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3.7cm flak in tube

can you please use the on site image hoster ,by using off site image hosts such as photobucket etc,when you delete the images from them your posts on bocn end up with no images ,using the bocn image host your images will be permanent and can then be seen by future members,plus they can be usefull to members searching the site.
Out of the 22 topics you have started about 16 are now useless due to missing images,most also have had several replies by members who have taken the time and effort to reply and i would assume look up answers to the topics.
Not only does it waste the time of those who have gone to the effort in replying,but also admin and moderators are having to go through topics and delete posts that cant be repaired or in the case of new ones start copying the images and re posting them.
We have asked members over and over to use the on site image host to stop this happening but to no avail
So from now on any new posts on site using images from off site image hosters WILL BE DELETED as soon as we see them without notification
An example is shown below

Screenshot - 17_06_2015 , 20_06_32.jpg