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English detonating cord


I am looking for any information about this detonating cord. The title on the tag says "English detonating cord".
As far as I know it was used in WW1 in Austro Hungarian army and later in some successor state's armies. Do you know what was the correct term to name it in other armies so I could find more info? "English detonating/detonation cord/cordex/Sprengschnur/Knallzündschnur" gave me no useful results.

anglicka zapalnice.jpg
I am looking for any information about this detonating cord. The title on the tag says "English detonating cord".
As far as I know it was used in WW1 in Austro Hungarian army and later in some successor state's armies. Do you know what was the correct term to name it in other armies so I could find more info? "English detonating/detonation cord/cordex/Sprengschnur/Knallzündschnur" gave me no useful results.

My friend, I definitely know that Austro-Hungarian Army used own detonating cord ' Homeya and Milsa (sorry, I don`t know how correctly it write on Englisj). Futhermore austrian cord were useing in a lot of countries. including Russian Empire. And I think in Czechoslovakia was useing this cord long time. I think you know it too ;)
Well, try to write it in any language you prefer, please, I will process it somehow :) I just need something to put in google and I couldn't find anything for "Homeya and Milsa".
Is this cord you are writing about the same as on the photo I posted?
My only source is pioneer regulation book for czechoslovak army published in 1922 where it is referred as "english cord". And I believe most of the content of the book is taken from austrian army.
Well, try to write it in any language you prefer, please, I will process it somehow :) I just need something to put in google and I couldn't find anything for "Homeya and Milsa".
Is this cord you are writing about the same as on the photo I posted?
My only source is pioneer regulation book for czechoslovak army published in 1922 where it is referred as "english cord". And I believe most of the content of the book is taken from austrian army.

Sorry, I forgot changed keyboard and wrote you on Croatian (insted of y should be z) :)
I don`t know how should write names of inventioners on German, but on Russian - детонирующий шнур Гомеза и Мильза. And yes, I think on your photo exactly this cord! Diameter - 5 mm, speed of deonating - 400 m/sec. Core - four threads, soaked in equal parts lead ferricyanide and potassium chlorate. Casing - rubber or
Probably in CZ Army used really British DC, but I don`t belive in it - country got a lot of industry fromm AH Empire and buy something abroad - would be stupid :)
Well, according to specification in my book it is not the same. Number of threads is not specified, but I suppose it is two because it is referred as "double cord". The thread consists of black powder and the casing is "double tarred triple jute wrapping" (sounds crazy :) ) Speed of burning is cca 1 cm/sec.
Well, according to specification in my book it is not the same. Number of threads is not specified, but I suppose it is two because it is referred as "double cord". The thread consists of black powder and the casing is "double tarred triple jute wrapping" (sounds crazy :) ) Speed of burning is cca 1 cm/sec.

1 cm/sec - it`s safety fuze, but not detonating cord.
I will now use some czech language so please bear with me.

Ahoj, astone,
zapalnice je prostředek pro iniciaci a hori, armada ji stale pouiva.
Termin anglicka zapalnice uvedeny v publikaci spis označuje typ ne primo vyrobce.
Bleskovice (novodoba) naproti tomu detonuje rychlosti asi 7000 m/s

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