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French canister round


Well-Known Member
Hello All....I know very little about early French canister rounds. Last weekend I came across what I thought was a canister round for the French 37x94. Measured it at home and it is actually 40x100. Headstamp is CR Mle 1879 APX 07. I know it's Atelier Puteaux dated 1907, but what is the actual weapon and does the CR stand for Canone Rapide ? I assume so because the head is bigger than the 37x94 and also the rim is different, with more for extractors to "grab" onto, needed with a rapid firing weapon. Or is CR for Canone Revolver ?? Sorry for such untechnical sounding questions. I've seen some amazing collections of these rounds on here and even this one is listed, right down to the headstamp, I would just like some info on the weapon please. Thanks in advance for any help.
Sounds like you have a sockleflak case with a canister projectile
A picture would clarify.
The normal 94mm case was used in `pom-pom` guns of 37mm caliber
The longer case 100mm with the extractor rebate was for Zeppelin guns - wasn`t aware this used Cannister shot?
Away so unable to show pics of my small assortment of 37`s
Try puting up a picture please?
That is a round for the 40mm Hotchkiss used in fortresses as a flank and ditch defense. As far as I know, they were made only as canister rounds, no explosive. Usually the stamping for the Hotchkiss gun is tir rapide. If I remember right, the guns has different rifling twists in each of the 5 barrels to increase the dispersion, and really cover the relatively small area in the ditch. they were replaced by machine guns as they became more reliable.
Gentlemen...thank you very much for your knowledge. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of learning there is on this site. Seems it is a 40mm for fortress defence. Excellent. Very pleased. As you can imagine, I see a LOT of French 37mm cases around the market stalls here in Normandy...mostly 37/85. This one just looked a little different. I have another 37mm case. It is 37x94, so all good so far. The headstamp however causes me confusion. It is as follows. 37 Rr et TR A PX 10. Once again Atelier Puteaux 1910. Is the rest 37mm Revolver and Tir Rapide ? Sorry if I sound too novice like with these questions, it's just that my field of expertise is German WW2 10,5cm le FH 18 ammunition so these French 37mm cases are new to me. Rest assured, I will take greater notice of them at this seasons markets and fairs. I have a fair smattering of different other French 37mm cases....Mle 1902, 1925 and 1938 also. Again, thank you for your assistance. Fascinating subject.
What a wonderful photo. Thank you so much for showing it. It must have been a truly formidable weapon. I will definitely keep a sharp eye peeled for more 40 and 37mm French cases this summer. If anyone is searching for something in particular please let me know and I'll try to assist.