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French Torpedo M1926


Well-Known Member
Could someone post a drawing of the French 400mm Torpedoes M1926 V and M1926 DA and their fuzes? Thanks!
The only reference I have refers to the French M1926 400mm as a "Model W" (see attachment).

Unfortunately I have no diagrams of either the torpedo nor its fuze...............

If you happen to find some please post.




  • IMG_0002_NEW.pdf
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From John Campbell's "Naval Weapons of WWII"


and from Antoni Komorwski's "Torpeda Francuska kal. 550 mm wz. 24 V"


Thanks a lot! Operational reports indicate the V model was looked as one of the best of its times, but the air-carried DA version had a very unpleasant idiosyncrazy - a tendency to spontaneously detonate while in flight, leading pilots to fly with the fuze fully secured, even in war time!!!
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Hi, sorry to open again an old thread but in post #3 there is a reference to the "Manuel du marin torpilleur", dated 1953. I (maybe) found it online at this address

Bibliotheques numeriques de la defense

but the site seems unreachable. I tried some browsers with always the same esult:

This site can’t be reached​

bibliotheques-numeriques.defense.gouv.fr took too long to respond.

Maybe it is reachable only inside France...
You can reach the site using the following free web proxy:
BUT the site contains only online catalogues with indication of the location of the document (the Defense Archives in France are spread between various locations all other France) and its references in the specific loction.
Digitized documents, when they exit, are accessible through gallica.fr - documents posterior to ww2 are generally not accessible online, except for some newspapers
Hi Dreamk, thank you for your suggestion, but the web proxy does not work for me (I tried three different browser on Win and on Android).
I would like to visit that site also if it not contain what I am looking for... Thanks again