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Fuze nationality ID

Burney Davis

Premium Member
I acquired this piece and originally thought it was a German or A/H trench mortar fuze. But I haven't been able to identify it as either of those from the literature I have. Could it be Italian? Any help appreciated.


The name of this german fuze is TMZA
. This fuze is a modification (adding extension striker to discharge) of the fuze of Sch.Fl.M 42.5mm of 24mm (heavy bomb feathered). It was mounted on the projectile Minen (type Kthe, Lotte (or Erna) and Anna to serve as anti-tank projectiles
Jean Paul
The name of this german fuze is TMZA
. This fuze is a modification (adding extension striker to discharge) of the fuze of Sch.Fl.M 42.5mm of 24mm (heavy bomb feathered). It was mounted on the projectile Minen (type Kthe, Lotte (or Erna) and Anna to serve as anti-tank projectiles
Jean Paul

Wow that was quick! Great information Jean Paul, and I can now do some more research on the net. Do you have pictures of the projectile that went with it as I have never heard of Trench mortars by that name? I have found a picture of the Sch Fl M but the pages with the descriptive text are missing. It is in the 1919 edition of the Les Fusees Allemandes (Belgian Army). Do you have that publication?

Once again many thanks.

Hi dave
I have no other information about the projectiles
I am enclosing a page from a great website that will give you some information on the anti-tank combat in 1914-18 (in french)
Regarding the book of the Belgian General Staff in 1919, I did not find drawingson TMZA (but my version may be incomplete) by cons there are the original fuze (join)
Jean Paul


Thanks Jean Paul. I found the forum in your link after your initial post. Very interesting discussion and pictures.

Regarding the book, there isn't a picture of the TMZA fuze in it, but could you post the description that goes with the picture above as my copy is missing that page.

Many thanks

Hallo, habe einen hnlichen Znder gefunden. Es ist der Fl. M.Z. mV und der FL. MZ v. Te. Hier die Bilder.01B045 - Kopie.jpg01B045.jpgfz085.jpgICE-JV-270-1.jpgICE-JV-270-2.jpgICE-JV-270-6.jpg Gru Joerg. Jede live oder gegraben Munition von mir vorgestellt wurde der wurde von EOD-Techniker entsorgt.
Hallo hier nun den FL. MZ v. Te und die Bilder.C24FLMZdr.jpgD09FLMmvTe.jpgD10FLMmvTe.jpgD11FLMmvTe.jpg Die Znder sind vom Aufbau gleich. Gru Joerg. Jede live oder gegraben Munition von mir vorgestellt wurde der wurde von EOD