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How to register your collection


Well-Known Member
Latest approval from the Ministry of Justice resulted in an additional request from the local Police to produce an extensive list
with details of all items in my collection. Always kept some kind of admin in Excel of the various items but how detailed should
this list be to be taken seriously by the Police keeping in mind that less information is always better not taken the change of
being restricted by my own list during the yearly visit by the Police.

Any of you have a similar experience and suggestions on the type of registry I should keep for third parties? Much appreciated.

Regards, Jan
Jan, that's the Dutch law, meant to annoy collectors. This is most probably a new round of "ontmoedigingsbeleid" (sorry, don't know the english word for that, but it means that the government creates an endless stream of useless paperwork).
I do not have an Exel list, but I've pictured all stuff in my collection as to make shure one can recognize stuff from pictures if stolen.
Just an Exel list will not work in case of theft as the average police officer will not know what it means if the exel list states "20x139 DM41 HEI-T-SD, yellow projectile, red band below fuze".
A picture of the same cartridge says more than 1000 words.
Make shure you contact the NVBMB (Walther) to find out what is exactly meant, before you know the police wants a 3 pages description of each seperate cartridge.

Regards, DJH
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new round of "ontmoedigingsbeleid" (sorry, don't know the english word for that, but it means that the government creates an an endless stream of useless paperwork).

"Red tape" is what we call it............amongst other things.


I have a Access data base, and with hyperlinks you can make nice links to pictures of the ammo.

i divided the collection in main groups, like:

- cartridges,
- Shells,
- rounds,
- belts

with a special programmed autonumber function in Access, i number the collection items per group, like "Shell001". in a other directory i place pictures numbered by item.

now the database starts to work: in the database there are all known manufacturer codes, dates etc, so per number in my collection, the database opens a sheet, and form there i can go to the pictures, or to the Internet where that item is discussed etc. And finally for the police is make a report in Access and print out the complete set. is was a day or what work, and i have all info on click away. Personally i do like that Justice wants to know what you have, as long as you are within your permit, nothing to hide. people who have problems with it, do have most likely something to hide. They are the curse of correct collectors, if something happens and it a illegal item again, the whole collector community is damaged, not the one making the problems.
Latest approval from the Ministry of Justice resulted in an additional request from the local Police to produce an extensive list
with details of all items in my collection. Always kept some kind of admin in Excel of the various items but how detailed should
this list be to be taken seriously by the Police keeping in mind that less information is always better not taken the change of
being restricted by my own list during the yearly visit by the Police.

Any of you have a similar experience and suggestions on the type of registry I should keep for third parties? Much appreciated.

Regards, Jan

I think that much of it depends on your local police and how they interpret it, the level of problems that they have had in the region, the amount of time that they have to deal with these issues, etc. Thanks to assistance from my workplace, NVBMB and others (J.L, J.D. etc), while in the NL I had a fairly liberal license and was not restricted by quantities. As in the US I took a proactive and transparent stand with my local police (Leiden) and never once in over 12 years had an issue. Regardless of the roots or cause of the law, the officers are working a 9-5 job and most will treat you the way you treat them. Keep it friendly and open and they will often try to help you rather than cause problems.

I'd say start with DJ's recommendation and see what NVBMB has to say, then talk to your local officer that deals with collectors and see what he/she expects. Compare the two and see if you cannot find a common understanding. Beyond that, an inventory with detailed photos is just common sense and the right thing to do regardless of requirements, for all the reasons listed above.
Quote (the Kees, 12.01 PM)

"Personally i do like that Justice wants to know what you have, as long as you are within your permit, nothing to hide. people who have problems with it, do have most likely something to hide. They are the curse of correct collectors, if something happens and it a illegal item again, the whole collector community is damaged, not the one making the problems."

End quote

Well kees, with a little note on the side; you know as well as I do that laws in the Netherlands are as unpredictable as the English weather. You know as well as I do that januari the first each year now starts to become the " let's make a bet what's forbidden from tomorrow on" collectors lottery. And you have also read on the Dutch site that one does not have to do anything wrong to get a bucket of unwanted shit over his head. Just one officer of the fire arm branch that does not like your face will do.

For the moment I would say; enjoy while we still can. In not too long a time I expect there will be Europan laws, and I am very afraid that the list of what is not allowed -either forbidden- will fill thick books, what's left -and will be allowed- can be written on a sigaret paper.

Regards DJH
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Up to now the new law didn't effect us as ammo collectors to bad. Behalve a mistake of making cutaways, a stupid mistake too. If a good admin is one of the "local laws" and is the only trade off, we are a lucky collector country. (still). if europe will be introducing a uniform collecting law, we have to take over on of the islands as collectors, eat all the sheep at a giant BBQ and make it a free state called Ammoland.
Thanks guys for all the advice. Will also contact the NVBMB for additional information on the subject. That one needs to keep some kind of record sounds fair enough but the statement from
Police is now that they need to deliver a complete catalog describing every item in full details within three weeks time very well knowing that I am right in the middle of moving house with the
full collection boxed up. This comes right back to their new policy: annoy the collector as much as possible. Sure it will be easier if you use honey with them but it reality this should not be a
one way street. Need to be the bigger man this time and swallow my pride a bit, or . . . . move to Ammloand.

Regards, Jan
Jan, I understand your fustration, but you know as well as I do that this is a subject that has been extensively and exhaustingly discussed on the NVBMB forum.
What you are complaining about is right, and it's part of a discouragement policy, but this subject falls under the Netherlands juristriction, so I think your question belonged on the NVBMB forum in the first place.
Asking this question on this international forum will give you much approval from fellow collectors worldwide, but that is of no legal weight at all. Reporting this to the NVBMB forum / secretary (Walther) may have a slightly better chance of some results.

Regards, DJH
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Asking this question on this international forum will give you much approval from fellow collectors worldwide, but that is of no legal weight at all. Reporting this to the NVBMB forum / secretary (Walther) may have a slightly better chance of some results.

Was not looking for approval but tips on how to tackle this registration issue. And as stated before: will contact the NVBMB as well.

Regards, Jan
Sorry, may have sounded a bit arrogant, that was shurely not my intention.

Regards, DJH