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Post of the Year nomination

Jolly Green

Well-Known Member
Through the course of the year we read a ton of good posts.
Some stand out above the rest. Some do not.
Here is my nomination for Post of the Year.
It can be found in a thread suggesting we form a Valuation Thread which led to talk of rarity.
US Subs sums up a lot about our collecting in general.

Originally Posted by US-Subs
Rarity has nothing to do with demand. You can own the only Upper Voltan hand grenade in the world, and who cares? Take out a T-13 Beano of which there are hundreds and everyone is sending you e-mails and trying to get it from you. I've said it before and will say it again, none of it has any value - period. It is a lump of metal and has no intrinsic value. What is popular today may not be popular tomorrow, and just because you paid $200 for something doesn't make it worth $50 to the rest of us. Buy what you want, pay what you can and don't look back. Don't treat it as an investment, then you are a speculator, not a collector.