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Soviet F 1 Grenade manufacturing query.


Active Member
I have a Russian F1 grenade with the practice UZRGM fuse assembly. The body is cast with a "58" and a "P" on the notches. I am curious as to whether the "58" donates the year of manufacture, or a is Soviet arsenal code. As to the "P", I have no clue, and ask the forum for any help. Thanks!
I don't know about the manufacturing codes, but the red color marking it as a practice item makes me think it's from Czechoslovakia. Russia uses white markings for practice items.

The page you linked is under the category of Russian grenades because the grenade designs are Russian but it does not state that the grenades on the page were manufactured there. It states that he doesn't know which country manufactured the grenades on that page.

The only eastern bloc country I have seen use red as a color to mark training ordnance is Czechoslovakia. Every Russian trainer I've seen has used white or off-white.

This is just what I have seen. Maybe someone on here knows more.
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If its Czech, it should be marked on the bottom with "IRV". What number is marked on the lever?
The 75-386 marking indicates factory 386. I have that listed as a Russian factory. So, if nothing else, the fuze is Russian.