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War and Peace show Fjordhouses stall


Staff member
Premium Member
Heres some photos of whats on offer at the war and peace show from our own Ben (Fjordhouse)

thanks for the photos Ben


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Very nice prices from Ben. Here in Ukraine and in Russia too grenade F-1 in simillar condition costs more as he sells :)
I bet there be plenty of SD2 buffs wetting their pants and getting excited with your display of SD2 casings. Are they complete SD2s.
I'm at a loss for words. I think I would literally spend my entire month's paycheck in about 5 minutes. Amazing!
Hi Gary,
The British Bangalore Torpedoes are 250. US ones were 200 or 150 (sorry Ben, it was a long drive back to Duesseldorf!).
I think there were 2 left this morning but Ben says he will get more in October.
Great show, well worth the trip!
I showed the Fjordhouse stall pictures to some friends here in the middle of the U.S. and they, to say the least, were awestruck by the variaty and quality of items available.

Here we see very little variaty and JUNK is over priced and the few good items that appear at shows are usually sky high in price. Just this last weekend I got my first 25pdr casing (Australian, WW2) only after the dealer lowered the price becasue he was tired of hauling it to shows for the last two years and not being able to sell it for a rediculous price.

Now even I have a 25pdr casing!:tinysmile_grin_t:
LOL, I was totally happy when a guy a few years ago was looking for 30+ 25-pounder cases and I was able to sell them. I consider them collateral damage ;-).
The SD2 wings are very nice......I purchased 2 of the same seller in Poland.......he took the $ & ran.....:tinysmile_cry_t:.

Ben your display looks excellent its like the Tesco of Ordnance.
Whsammler, send me the info about the 2sd,s, i will inform for you, please in a pm.
i know him very well and have no problems with him, just a time warp issue


Here is the auction detail https://www.egun.de/market/item.php?id=4402909 i purchased 1 unit & a fellow member here Jussi from Finland also bought one on my behalf thinking i would miss the auction as it was a buy now (time diffrence) so I paid for 2 units with shipping to Canada.

Light a fire under his butt please & get me my sd2 wings please!!!!!!
I also bought 2 from him but am hoping they have arrived at home by now as I am on holidays in UK I saw Bens items and didn't buy any because I hope mine are at home waiting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just got back from another great day at the W&P show and would like to thank all the many people that I met there everyone is so nice and friendly and it's great to catch up with you all. Special thanks to Ben,Johnny , Waff ,Andy( stop telling me about the cricket)Dave(millsbomber)Mick & Skippy Hope you all get home safe
Kind regards Daryl
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Ben's F1's went very quickly :( excellent show though - I had to borrow a hand cart to drag out all the bargains I haggled :)

Oh and it was cool chatting to oddball....

I too spent a lot of time at the Fjordhouse tent. Complete Butterfly wings 90 (compare ebay 1601), SD-10C bombs 150, SC-250 fins, Russian incendiary, etc, etc, and Polish grenades 5 each! I was well pleased.

Ben tells me that Fjordhouse's next visit to England will be over the bank holiday, August 24-26, at Military Odyssey, Detling, Kent.Be there!
