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577/450 MH headstamp


Well-Known Member
Hi to all,
I'm looking for information on a .577/450" Martini Henry drawn case ball round headstamp, MKCM,need country of origin and manufacturer ect......sorry no photo as it's not mine

Is it M.K.C at 12 oclock and the M at 6 oclock with a star at 9 & 3 oclock if so I believe it is German "Munition Werke de Schonebeck, Elbe" hope I have spelt it correct


PS the headstamp detailed above is from a martini henry case
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Hi Rich,
no it's just MKCM stamped on the lower part of the head,I gather that it is 'spaced out' as M K C M, no stars.....maybe an earlier or later version of the one you describe?

Tony, have you actually seen this headstamp yourself to confirm it? I'm with Rich on his ID and I can't find any reference to any other layout of 'M K C M'.
Hi Jim,
no mate,not seen it for myself but I can guarantee that it will be what the chap says it is,and I have checked that the headstamp is nice and clear because my first thought was that the last M might have been a 'II' instead, thinking it could be a Indian Mk C II

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Just been sent a photo of the headstamp,along with the one Richard and Jim described......I can remember reading somewhere that FN stamped stars on the headstamp to denote a contract to a certain country....could the German firm Richard mentioned have done the same? and the first headstamp be for 'home market'?


Yup the 2nd one is what I have reference for and it is "Munition Werke de Schonebeck, Elbe" as for the 1st one Tony I am not sure about but it does look like the same font/lettering style ???

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Two nice headstamps! I have a Belgian round (B.C.E.) with identical stars and a French round (S.F.M.) with similar stars but I have no idea what these stars signify. I think Tony's theory about the first round being for domestic use & the second for export is a good one.....but it might also be that the first round was indeed made by Munition Werke de Schonebeck but the second round (with the stars) could have been made for them - perhaps by Belgium.

Sorry if I'm just adding to the confusion! Having agreed that the headstamp M.K.C.M. almost certainly indicates 'made by or for' Munition Werke de Sconebeck, Elbe what do those letters actually stand for?

from the headstamp guide by Curtis Steinhauser says that stars on the headstamp are for overseas contract prior to WW1......paul.