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7.5cm Pzgr 39/42 question


Well-Known Member
Ordnance approved

I'd like to know if German made 7.5cm Pzgr 39/42 shells (two driving bands) with copper (kps) bands ?
I only know Fes version.

Good question, but I suspect that's going to be a hard one to find documentation that says they were never made. It would be more decisive to actually find one or a genuine photo, and prove they were made, rather than weren't.

Personally, I cannot think I've ever seen a Pzgr39/42 or Pzgr39/43 with KPS bands...you tend to see them on earlier dated rounds eg Kwk38 and Kwk36....but all that proves is that Ive not seen one.

Well, I've seen many in work in various places and in the web. Never saw any with driving band other than FES.

Sorry for the late reply.
I went through my docs and found no trace of KPS banded Pzgr 39/42.
The Ringbuch does list only FES model, there is no remark of "Ausführung" this would imply that at the date of publishing (30.4.43) there was no other variant.
The Gerätliste (D97) also does not mention any models, unlike the regular Pzgr 39.

I have also looked at the photos of Pzgr 39/42 that have been found in our area in the past 5 years and have seen only FES bands.


P.S. Does anyone have the 7,5cm Sprgr. 42 in the D 460 Geschoßringbuch?
Thanks guys for your interest.
I'm quite sure this shell was made with kps bands. I continue to investigate !

Minenaz16, I have the following projectiles for the 7.5 L/70 gun, and all are FES, and further more I've only ever seen FES
Pzgr39/42, Pzgr40/42, SprGr.42....all these are FES
RichardB, do you have a picture of a fired one ?

I'm completly wrong ! My source sent me a bad picture of a very rusty shell with two copper band, identified as a german 7.5cm.
I made an accurate comparison between different fired shells (ballistic cap missing) with my computer and the shell is definitly a 17Pr shot !!!!

Very sorry for this misunderstanding.
