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any members have a marine or tropicle tank set up and can give me a hand ?


Well-Known Member
hello im looking at setting up a 2ft fish tank for a colony of dwaf puffer fish any one know about plants waterquality ecy ?

lol nope m8 they eat ALL other tank mates snailes blood worm brim shrimp ect the plants are for the live food to eat lol !
lol it will be weeks yet m8 about 9 weeks all in after the water is cycled and the tnk is set up and hhavr cultvated some snailes ect !
What type of fiiltration system do you plan to use? The "bio balls" or similar systems work well.
It is always a challenge to keep your Nitride levels low so invest in a good water test kit, test frequently (every 4-5 days) and plan on frequent water changes. A 25% change every two weeks works for me but much depends on the quality of your tap water.
Also, be sure to FULLY de-chlorinate the water used in your changes, match specific gravity and temperature exactly. Good luck Pat Daniels