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could it be from a ship gun?


Could it be a shell from a ship gun?
An Italian one?
The height is 58.2 cm and the caliber 19.5 cm.
Can you please tell me the gun.
Looks pretty much like a WW2 German bomb without the fins. The side hole being for the electric fuze.
Like this drawing without the tail


  • 035.jpg
    300.8 KB · Views: 75
Chris: I very like your drawing, do you have similar or source ? I'm Looking for "Gerät. Nr.", at your post is very close. Thank you.
The calibers measure is about 102 mm,
could it be the Italian 102/45?
An Italian built under license of QF 4 inch mk V.
Anyone having a diagram of the shell?
The ogive on the nose is not rounded like the German SD type, could be Italian bomb. Is it empty and safe usually the fuze pocket when defused is a hole to the other side of the inside casing, looks like the fuze has corroded off looking at the condition of the casing. The base should screw off and be hollow inside if safe.