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Help identify British Army cloth patch please


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I am trying to identify this British Army cloth patch for a friend, I have looked online until I became googly eyed ! but haven't yet been able to find out about it. Any information greatly received. thanks in advance.DSC01427.JPG
Whilst the backing is a British Army MTP PCS blanking patch, I don't recognise design as representing any British Army formation; in fact the colours and quality of embroidery don't look 'military' at all... just my impression - I could well be wrong :)
What is the provenance of where your friend got it from? That might be a starting point to try working backwards.
The patch was on a used MTP jacket in a large batch of surplus bought from a dealer.
Soldier‘s name/number inside the jacket?

dragonfly design, possibly flying, maybe helicopters, but I would take a guess at drone operator.

If it’s not something official, maybe it’s a morale patch within a small unit.