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Information requested


Well-Known Member

Just bought this beauty but Im struggling finding any information on this one.
Was this military used and when was it produced?
Anyone knows?


Yes I see it was produced in 1984, but what I meant was time period? Is it still in production and when did they start?

here are some Specification, about the "519 HAN-BALL",

Diameter 80mm
Body is rubber
Delay is 2seconds
Discharge time is between 10-20 seconds
Fuze: MiSpec.

This small rubber Grenade is specifically designed for use whereby the thrower is restricted or constrained by his surroundings. This grenade (INERTed) is light and easy to be thrown and it emits a dense cloud of CS smoke burning all of its contents within 15 seconds after the ignition begins. The gas is pushed out by the pressure through the gas expansion and thru the circular spots around in its circumference.
You see these being used in correctional facilities along with it's counter part the stingball grenade
Tank you all gents for the information. Just another question. It seems like it is two types of this one. One CS which is the teargas and another which is a CN. What is this CN “stuff”?

Hi Rune,
Nice item to add to your collection, as far as i can tell CN (chloroacetophenone) was the earlier version of CS, both of which are pulmonary irritants, both were developed in the mid 1920's and CS replaced CN in use by British forces in the late 1950's CN being far less effective in some respects than CS. There is a lot more info out there if you are interested.
Best regards Weasel.
Then my next question will be why the make two different nades in resent time? One with CS and one with CN?
Then my next question will be why the make two different nades in resent time? One with CS and one with CN?

CN & CS Agents are both still widely produced and accepted in the United States for use by Law Enforcement. Each agent has its own specific individual desirable characteristics when used in different climates and situations, giving each a slight advantage over the other depending on the situation and needed application.

Prisons still prefer CN Agent for indoor use, as it is easier to decontaminate an indoor area after using CN vs. CS. CN is also less corrosive on metals and sensitive components then CS.
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In our jail (which holds up to 600+) we always used OC, a lot of OC indoors. We would never use CS in any indoor area in the Jail. If you use CS in a confined area such as in the jail you will be spending a lot of time and effort cleaning it up. We were also taught as Instructors in this area of chemical munitions as to use what Chemical would be used and we would therefore compute the dosage of chemical munition in this kind of situation and where to fire it. The reason being is that if you do use CS you will own that structure until you have decontaminated that structure whether it be a home, office building, an abandoned building, and so on and so forth.

CN has a faster reaction time compared to CS. CS has a longer effect on people then CN does. And OC, depending on the strength, will cause immediate burns with the possibility of causing First and secondary Chemical burns. This why many, many years ago they mixed CN with DM. The DM took longer to reach its peak limit. The CN took over the for the first effect quickly enough so that the DM could do it's thing. According to some sources within the government is that it no longer can be produced and used. If you get enough of CS, CN, and even OC into your system you could possibly die from the effects. This is very true when it comes to people who have asthma and other Pulmonary problems.

I have never seen our department use CN ever. Not when you had OC or CS with you., which we did.
I don't know about all that, but I do know that you need to wash your hands REALLY REALLY good after handling a spent CS cannister if you intend to take a piss.

Thanks for al the information gents. Incredible how much knowledge it is in this forum.
I cleaned CS nade ones and rub my eyes. Needles to say that was a bad idea too
One of the main reasons that CS was used to replace CN was that, while being a stonger agent, it is one of the very few materials that can affect personnel with a very small dose, yet it takes a very large dose to cause serious harm - making it ideal for non-lethal applications. Most other materials have a much lower threshhold to cause permenant injury, or have long term health effects. This is why very useful agents like DM (vomiting agent) were dropped after a few years. Extremely effective, but that pesky arsenic....
Another incapacitating agent which i've been involved with is CR or dibenzoxazepine.
This is the daddy of tear agents, upto 10 times more toxic than CS and with an instant knock down effect.
After a face full of this you don't get up!!!!!

The downside to CR is persistency and toxic effects.

Loads of info online for those that are interested.

We go by formulas before we launch any agent. These formulas are especially for CS. They determine on how much gas to put in for incapacitation to occur. They will also provide you the "Lethal" effects to that you do not want to go over. Experience, what can I say.