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PTAB designation


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

what is the proper designation for this submunition? I've seen it variously described as 'PTAB 2.5', 'PTAB 2.5KO', 'PTAB 2.5 kilo', 'PTAB 85' or simply 'PTAB'... unsure as to which is correct, or if indeed PTAB refers to the entire weapon system (canister and bomblets) rather than just the submunition?? PTAB could also refer to the family of weapons developed from WW2 rather than specific model?

I have also read that there are two variants of this one pictured above, differing in the length of the tail?
It should be, in English, PTAB-2.5KO. In Russian ПТАБ-2,5КО. Russia uses a comma to denote the decimal point.

PTAB is an acronym of Protivotankovaya Aviatsionnaya Bomba (Противотанковая Авиационная Бомба), so literally in English, Anti-tank Aerial Bomb. The 'K' is presumably short for Kumulyatyvnaya (Кумулятивная), aka a shaped charge, whilst the 'O' is short for 'Oskolochno' (Осколочно), aka fragmenting.

As per most Russian bombs, the 2.5 (2,5) bit is its weight class in kg. The additional numbers after the PTAB-2.5 bit, if present, normally means its actual nominal weight in kg.
Great answers, thanks guys :) just ordered an inert late-‘80s dated one... is there anywhere I can read more about these - variants, how they were used, operational history etc?
Great answers, thanks guys :) just ordered an inert late-‘80s dated one... is there anywhere I can read more about these - variants, how they were used, operational history etc?

In English, there's not much out there. In Russian, there's quite a lot. Most of the material I have is in Russian.

Where I work I have processed the PTAB-2.5M and its AV-524M (АВ-524М) fuze, but the I haven't rewritten the PTAB-2.5KO, or other PTAB entries yet.
This is what i have in english about the PTAB-2.5KO.


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Thanks again :) so this has a hollow charge... I’m guessing then it was indicated against massed armour (of the kind maybe encountered in WW2 and expected in a conflict with NATO), and perhaps against runways etc, or not? There is mention in info of fragmentation (‘FRAG’), but this wasn’t an anti-personnel system, right, at least not by design?
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More towards light armor and support equipment. The shaped charge is not enough to do serious damage to a MBT, but APCs, rocket launchers, parked aircraft, fuel and ammo resupply areas. It would do no appreciable damage to a runway. This was a later design of the PTAB family, more of a combined effects approach without the incendiary pellet.
thanks... so these were dropped in canisters by ground attack aircraft, and helicopters? would they detonate on soft ground, or only on hard surface?

seen a 'PTAB 2.5M' in photos - is that is the latest iteration/replacement for the -2.5KO then?

sorry a lot of questions but just got interested in these, don't know a whole lot about submunitions... just thought the ones I saw listed for sale looked 'cool' :)
PTAB is an acronym of Protivotankovaya Aviatsionnaya Bomba (Противотанковая Авиационная Бомба), so literally in English, Anti-tank Aerial Bomb. The 'K' is presumably short for Kumulyatyvnaya (Кумулятивная), aka a shaped charge, whilst the 'O' is short for 'Oskolochno' (Осколочно), aka fragmenting.
KO is Kumulyativno-Oskolochnaya (Кумулятивно-Осколочная)
Осколочно is incorrect on Russian. If OK - Oskolochno-Kumulyativnaya, then Осколочно-Кумулятивная and you destignation is correct on Russian too.
KO is Kumulyativno-Oskolochnaya (Кумулятивно-Осколочная)
Осколочно is incorrect on Russian. If OK - Oskolochno-Kumulyativnaya, then Осколочно-Кумулятивная and you destignation is correct on Russian too.

Thanks for correcting it Ivan,

I don't profess to understand all the tenses, genders, singular/plural, and other modifications to words in Russian I'm sorry to say.

Frankly I have enough trouble with English!

Thanks for correcting it Ivan,

I don't profess to understand all the tenses, genders, singular/plural, and other modifications to words in Russian I'm sorry to say.

Frankly I have enough trouble with English!

Yes, too a lot of ending in Russian language. The most important, that you know correct explanation of marking :tinysmile_twink_t2:
I have enough trouble with English too :D