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S-5PB Chaff 57-MM Russian rocket


Well-Known Member
Ordnance approved
Does anyone have any information on these, S-5PB Chaff 57-MM Russian rocket? I have seen a trainer before, a long time ago, but never a live version. I would like to update this EOD publication, but can't seem to find anything.


Sorry took a whije but our unit is in the midle of a moving but here some pics.
There are seven tubes of chaff in it. The eletric/pyrotechnic fuze is conected with a electric wire trough a hole in the base with the igniter of the rocketmotor. When fired an electric squib is activated that activates a pyrotechnik delay which armes the fuze and after a short delay ejects the chaff out of the tubes one after an other. The midle one fires first and removes the balistic cap


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The base element is the I-90 fuze and the upper part for the ejection (with the 7 purple cylinders = 6+1) is the I-97.

I just read this post and saw the beautifully made cut. Congratulations to the handyman ! But, there seems to be one small part missing, the ( I assume) headopening charge, a thin disclike tin with a hole in the middle backoriented, covered by a foil blowthrough bulkhead, that I assume is ignited through the empty middle tube, that is not shown in this beautiful cut of an inert scooling model, identified by its black paint. I have never seen the real thing, but always assumed that the aluminium cylinders in this scooling model were not real chaff. I invite the experts to clarify this. The other thing is the nomenclature S-5PB asked for in the initial question. In the most informative book "Soviet/Russian Aircraft Weopons Since World War Two" Yefim Gordon mentions only 2 , the S-5P and the S-5P1 who he writes are filled with metal coated fiberglass strips. Please clarify. Additionally I ask if anybody has a picture or drawing of the S-5S or S-5SB, the Flechette rounds, mentioned in Gordons book, of which I have never seen a picture.
Thanks in advance for your consideration,
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The midle tube is also filled with chaff and has a bigger expulsion charge then the others, so I asume the chaff in the midle pushes tha balistic cap of. Indeed this is schooling round and the chaff is replaced by alluminium rods.
Thanks for your answer blu97,
but this was bugging me, as I had it differently in my memory. Meanwhile I went to the museum and had a look (see the attached images). This is the model S-5P, so your model must be the S-5P1. In the older model ( now already 40 years) the middle tube is empty and acts only as a flash channel.S-5P Fuze.jpgS-5P.jpg
