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Scent of a woman (1992)


Well-Known Member
A very dramatic and really good story about a blind US Army senior officer and a young prep school teenager (as his chaperone) spending a turbulent weekend in New York City https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105323/. Very solid movie, the script, acting, camera, everything. And you'll see the famed M1911 pistol. You'll hear familiar names, LBJ, Ft. Sill, Ft. Benning and Ft. Bragg (don't know what the last one is, could not find it on the map). So, I suggest, no, I order you, it is a direct order, to watch this movie (my attempt to channel Lt. Col. Slade, this movie's main character).
Best line is "45 in 25" referring to ability to assemble .45cal M1911 in 25 seconds.
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AND near the former Pope AFB, which is now part of the Ft Liberty complex. Pope AFB was the site of the disastrous mid-air in the '90s that killed a number of US Army paratroopers awaiting their flight on a C-141.
I can watch it on YouTube but pasting it here disables the view.
Look for Profumo di Donna 1974 on YouTube.