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Trench is going away

The wife and I sold the house the other day and we are going to move in with my mother (she has got the Alzheimers real bad) so she won't have to go to a home. There is no way I would ever let her be put in a home. So I will be trenchless for some time until I can put something together. Will send new address to those who need it when the move is completed (27 days) Dano
I take my hat off to you Dano, its a real kind thing you do for your mum. Similar situation here so i know where you are coming from but ime sure you realise how hard things can get.
God bless.

respect dano,at least you will know shes getting the best care avalible
Thanks Andy, It was really a no brainer. This woman has done so much for me in my lifetime I can't even count the incidents. I just know a home would kill her and I want to hang on to her for a while. Quite a lady...Dano
I would also like to tip my hat to you Danno and wish you all the best, it is a great move and a selfless kind and loving thing you are about to do. The jeeensy's wish you all the best for you and all of your family,

Kind Regards Nick,
Thanks guys, for the support. All should work out pretty good. It is a much smaller place with a smaller yard, pretty much what we need for our retirement so we're going to stay for the duration...Dano
Respect to you Dano,
As you say some things in life are a no-brainer - too right.
I lost my mum, will be five years ago this month, and believe me make the most of every moment - life is a truely precious thing indeed.
Hope your move goes well
regards Kev
Hey Man:
When my father died 16 years ago I decided to stay at home with Mum, she is 79 years old now, but still fine, (I hope for many years more), and I had the luck of find a girl who bring her parents with her from a rented house because they were getting old too. As you can see parents are very important for us so I can understand perfectly what you have done, the problem is that today not every son/daughter would do the same. Well, what you and your wife are doing talks perfectly about what kind of persons you are. :congrats:
Nice one Dano. I had to move in with my Father in law a few years back to look after him. Still there. Homes are just not an option when it comes to family really.

Do you think your mum will mind if you dig a trench in her garden?

we will be expecting a great home for you and your's truely. You need to also take care of yourself so you can take care of your mom and her.

You have my e-mail addy, let me know when you will be back on line my friend!
It's a kind thing to do Dano, I would do thesame thing. *respect*
That is a marvelous thing to do. Hope the move works out. Looking after your loved ones is much more important than our hobby.

My Helmet's off to you -- a tough situation. I had an Aunt with dementia and that was at times difficult but she was in a home so it wasn't as difficult. I saw part of a movie with Judy Dench playing a writer who had alzhiemers- it scared the hell out of me and was very tough to watch.

All the best in this difficult but I hope rewarding time.
You da man!

Dano you're THE man.
Please know that all your BOCN brothers are behind you and admire what you're doing. At the end of the day Mom is Mom and must be taken care of. You are spot on in what you're doing.
Good luck brother.
Stay in touch. You are an integral part of this little society and not to sound TOO cliche'-ish but "We love you man!"
A very kind "thank you" to all for your support. I will tell you who has been awesome support is my wife Teresa. We have been married for 6 years, she has 2 children and I have 3. We call them our 5 children. Well anyway Teresa has never really known "family" as her mother, father and 2 sisters were all killed when she was 7 years old. My family is very close and she is just amazed by it, something that I had always considered normal. She "adopted" my mom and dad when we got married, and at a loss for words has just been wonderful. She is one of a kind and she is 100% supportive of what we're doing. I have a brother and a sister but we live in the same town as mom and I am disabled so don't have a job to go to every day so the choice was obvious. Anyway thanks again for all your kind words..Dano
I am sure that a Bigger & Better Trench is on the horizon for you!

Stay safe,

Best wishes for the shift and taking care of Mum Dano,
She wont mind if you build a bunker and install a trench will she?
Hope it all goes well and without stress

The wife and I sold the house the other day and we are going to move in with my mother (she has got the Alzheimers real bad) so she won't have to go to a home. There is no way I would ever let her be put in a home. So I will be trenchless for some time until I can put something together. Will send new address to those who need it when the move is completed (27 days) Dano
I agree with everyone elese,I take my hat off to you,and respect your way of life,both my parents and my only brother are all gone know,and Im glad for all the fun and good memors,famly is the most important.I had to put my best friend of almost 15 years down today,its very difficult not to cry at times,but she could not get off the floor and had sores and a bad bladder,im sorry guys i was talking grenades and lost focas.But right on to you dano my friend.