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Who was Fritz: SD/PC 1400 or 1700??


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your previous answers fellas:tinysmile_twink_t2:

In wartime manuals (ARP manual 'Objects dropped from the air') and a War Diary (No. 42 BD Section War Diary), I've seen the refernce to a SD 1400 called Fritz. I've also seen an SD 1400 mentioned in BD memoirs.

However, according to this page, there was no such thing as a SD 1400, (it says there was an SD 1700) and it says Fritz was actually a PC 1400.


Who's correct?

One thing they all agree on, is that Fritz (whatever) his weight/type, had a 'fuze extension cap' covering the fuze - what was a fuze extension cap for?

Thanks again

The extension cap was to 'convert' the fuzes for use in the bigger bombs methinks...?


....there is deffo reference to an SD1400 in the Pawlas manual and ive always thought that was pretty spot-on.
I cannot post a pic as my uploader is de-funct at the mo.

Hi Austin
Fritz was a SD 1400 Kg bomb , Single fuze pocket Overall length 9Ft 4 inches with a body of 6ft 3 3/4 inchs Dia 1 ft 10 inches.
the tail being 3 ft 9 inches long by 1 ft 10 inches in diameter
Sorry about being in imperial, but thats from an American publication
The fuze pocket in SD bombs was deeper than normal SC bombs so to charge the fuze an Extention cap was required
Cheers Steve/Waff

Making sense.

So - last question - I promise!

SD 1400 was Fritz, not the PC 1700 as our late-war-joining-Allies appear to have designated it?

There was a FRZ1400 which was a wire guided bomb that sunk the italian battleship Roma
Hi austin
There was no designation given to the PC1700 kg bomb