British Ordnance Collectors Network

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  1. 60mm M767 IR Illumination

    60mm M767 IR Illumination

    60mm M767 IR Illumination
  2. Restoring 155 mm M485A2 Illum. Canister

    Restoring 155 mm M485A2 Illum. Canister

    Empty Fired Canister from a 155 mm Danish M109 selfpropelled Howitzer
  3. Restoring 155 mm M485A2 Illum. Canister

    Restoring 155 mm M485A2 Illum. Canister

    Empty Fired Canister from a 155 mm Danish M109 selfpropelled Howitzer
  4. Restoring 155 mm M485A2 Illum. Canister

    Restoring 155 mm M485A2 Illum. Canister

    Empty Fired Canister from a 155 mm Danish M109 selfpropelled Howitzer
  5. O

    ID request: US or Japanese 105mm illumination, smoke, gas (?) projectile???

    Hi, I've just spotted something that would be a really good addition to my collection, *IF* I can ID it as being Japanese.... See the attached pictures. Woefully poorly repainted, but it does show several features that one also typically sees on Japanese projectiles around the 75mm and taller...