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m1917 German UB practice stick

I used to have one but sold it some time back. I was able to buy this in the US and have been hunting for one this nice for some time. Stenciled on the handle (twice) is 5 1/2 SEK G.V.R.. and also stenciled is 5 . 6. 17. This is one of the nicest i've seen and did get it quite reasonable. It came in todays post...Dano


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I used to have one but sold it some time back. I was able to buy this in the US and have been hunting for one this nice for some time. Stenciled on the handle (twice) is 5 1/2 SEK G.V.R.. and also stenciled is 5 . 6. 17. This is one of the nicest i've seen and did get it quite reasonable. It came in todays post...Dano
Looks like you found a nice one,way to go Dano:tinysmile_hmm_t2:
Thanks Andrew and Vinny, I had one before but not this nice i.e. well marked, orig red paint etc. Very excited to get it. I did not pay too much or too little as price is what i'd call fair. Very pleased to get it. Getting a m1917 German regular stick from same source for fair price also. I don't mind paying what something is worth as it works out fair for seller and buyer. I expect to expand on collection. Would like to find baby discus shell halves (original) as I want to section the small example. Will pic stuff as it starts coming in. Never seen such a well stenciled handle on a UB practice stick. Thanks again gentlemen. Best to you and yours...Dano
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Heres a couple I have Dano, slight variation in the handle to yours, they appear to have both been marked the same.one is well marked the other quite faint.
Interesting to see the variations though! Note the Ub marking on the stick.



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The variations in the German WW1 practice sticks seem to run amok. You have your m1915 and m1917 variants, then there is the nailed on head collet, and the crimped on version and that's not even getting into the stick stenciling variations and the star wheel and non star wheel pull bead caps. Mine still has the detonator inside (inert of course). If one were to collect every variant of every grenade ever made a collection would never be finished even if passed through several generations. Aint it cool? Dano
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Jan, should not be hard to find as they are pretty common. The first one I ever bought I bought off e-bay (before banning). It was the m1917 version in so-so condition but got it for 20.00us (aah those were the days). You could get on ebay and put WWI or WWII grenade in the search box and more than one full page of grenades would pop up. Funny how one thinks those days will never end, then one day, boom they are gone. Also got my first m1917 German rifle grenade off e-bay for 20.00us (and this was in this century!) The search nowadays is a bit more difficult but half the fun for me is tracking down the leads and finding these treasures. If I could go back in time I would go from about'98 to '03 on e-bay, scarf on some more of those bargains and be in business. Nothing lasts forever, except for the fond memories...Respectfully...Dano