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Need a document for a Geman smoke


Ordnance approved
Premium Member
These have been around for many years now, but I have little technical info available. A local squad has recovered some and is looking for a technical document. Does anyone have anything that they can offer up? Thanks in advance.

... but cyrillic markings sound East-German device.

MINENAZ16 is right: This device is a coloured smoke grenade of the army of the former 'German Democratic Republic', called the “Nationale Volksarmee” (NVA).
They come in two different versions (electric/pull wire). Yours is initiated by a pull wire, i.e. friction wire.

Unfortunately all my documents are completely in German and difficult to read. I have extracted the important information:

Smoke Grenade Black: (all data approximately)
Weight: 270 g
Delay: 2,8 – 5,5 sec
Duration of smoke: 60 sec (+/- 20sec)
Primer 0,5 g
Priming composition: 4,0 g (Lead tetroxide, Potassium nitrate, Silicon carbide, Bariumchromate, Ferrochrome)
Transfer charge: 20 g (80 % main composition mixed with gunpowder and charcoal powder)
Main smoke composition: 145 g: (3 % Silica gel, 54 % Potassium perchlorate, 40 % Naphthalene, 3 % Ammonium oxalate)

NWK_klein - Kopie.jpg
The sectional drawing shows a red smoke variant. It lacks the transfer charge.

Hope that helps.

Best wishes from Germany.
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Is that book in the documents section of BOCN? I hate going through that web site.

Thanks everybody, that gives me what we needed.

You don't have to 'go through' , I gave a direct link to the book :tinysmile_classes_t
Plus, now that I live in the countryside, it's really hard for me to upload something, because I have a weak internet access.

