Ok I am some what very late on this thread.
I came across this as I have been looking for information on the Zelensky grenade and other rifle grenades of Soviet origin of the WWI and WWII period. This part of a paper/document I am writing on antitank rifles and rifle grenades of the Finnish-soviet wars.
MINENAZ16 presented in his first post pictures of a Colonel Zelensky’s rifle grenade. This would appear to represent a later version of the grenade.
The original poster, another forum, indicated this had a body of cast aluminium. That poster also indicated it was a “WW1 era M1915 Russian Zielensky rifle grenade”. I am not sure if Russia had designated it as an M1915 grenade. Colonel Zelensky first presented his grenade in 1914.
Ivashkin makes a useful point in that the original Zelensky grenade had a fuse in its base. This is presented in the web documents:
English version
Domestic rifle grenades, April 9 2014
Russian version
Отечественные винтовочные гранаты, 9 апреля 2014
В самом конце 1904 года (по новому стилю в начале 1905-го) закончилась оборона Порт-Артура. Специфика самого длительного сражения Русско-японской войны привела к появлению новых тактик и новых систем вооружения. К примеру, именно для защиты Порт-Артура российские войска впервые применили минометы
The text on these web pages indicate
Ivashkin’s version, but the sketch in the text indicates something similar to that posted by
Hope this helps.