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LMG with Cup Discharger

There was also a WW2 period .303 cartridge for the experimantal Bren Grenade launcher. I have the drawing for the round, but I have not seen a picture of the launcher.

Perhaps an anti-tank grenade of some sort. Will post drawing if anyone interested.


TonyE would you be kind enough to post the drawing please ?

Bonnex,many thanks for the reply regarding pictures.

Any other info on this subject ? ....facinating stuff

ATB Kevin
TonyE, very interesting to hear that there was a proposed wood-bulleted grenade blank in .303" calibre in the 1930s. Peter Labbett mentions one made in 1940 in his book on the .303, and shows a picture of the brass mock-bulleted one. Did the wood-bulleted one resemble the LVII blank? What would the h/s have been, and have you ever seen one?

Hi Roger

Drawing DD/L/7806A dated 6.1.38 is the wood bulletted blank and is titled "Cartridge, S.A. Rifle Grenade, .303 inch ballistite, for BREN Gun"

Drawing DD/L/7152B dated 22.6.37 is just the wood bullet and is titled "Bullet, Dummy, for BREN Gun trials with Grenades".

Drawing DD/L/7806 dated 21.6.37 (orignally dated 1.3.36) is for the grenade blank with the brass mock bullet loaded inside the case. It has the same title as DD/L/7806A

Drawing DD/L/7152 dated 13.11.35 shows a blank with a spitzer paper bullet with a small wood tip and is titled "Cartridge, S.A. Blank .303 inch, for machine guns. With dummy bullet" This appears to be a normal training blank rather than a grenade blank.

None of the drawings show a headstamp. I have never seen an example of the wood bullet grenade blank, but have seen the brass mock bullet type.

I have an unheadstamped wood bullet blank, probably loaded by RG, that was a prototype L Mark VIII. This was never placed in production during the war but may have been a follow on from the trials in the late 1930s.

Unfortunately the drawings are too big to post here.
