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Uploading Documents to the BOCN Library


1 Ensure the document is a .pdf file and under 100MB in size.
2 Select the Downloads tab at the top of the page.
3 In the sup tab menu at the top select Add File.
4 Fill in the named boxes under Add File.
File name ? The title of the document.
Author ? Who wrote it.
In the big box , A description e.g date, country, contents etc..
Category ? select the category that the document falls under.
5 Select a file in two different ways under Upload or Link to a File.
A , Upload a File , Click Browse , it will then take you to a window where you can search through your computer and find the document you wish to upload. Select the document and click Open , The address of the document you've selected should show to the left of where you clicked Browse. If this is correct click Add File at the bottom right of the page.
B , Link to a File ? Find the http address of the file you wish to link to (this already has to be hosted somewhere else on the internet) and place it in the box to the right of Link to a File. In the box under that put the file size you are linking to in BYTES , Click Add File at the bottom right of the page.
6 Be patient and let the computer upload the file. This may take seconds or several minutes it all depends on your connection speed to the internet and the file size.
7 The file is now uploaded to the BOCN website but will not be available to view or download until it has been moderated (usually within 48 hours).

Please be careful what you upload to BOCN Most of the normal BOCN rules still apply in here as well.
Check your items are not currently copywrite protected or are still restricted.
Please don't post any documents showing or discussing in detail make safe or other inerting/deactivating procedures.
All documents uploaded will be checked to the best of our ability for any problems before they are shown on site, anything the moderator considers not suitable will be deleted.
You upload/download these documents at your own risk.
Premium Members are free to download files immediately, otherwise only members with a minimum of 15 posts may download.

If we are notified that a document you have uploaded to BOCN infringes someone else's copyright, we will take down the document immediately, as required by law, and we will notify you of the removal. If you persist in uploading unauthorized content, we will permanently ban your account from uploading to the BOCN library.

Some important facts about copyright infringement:

1, You can be sued for copyright infringement even if your account has been suspended.

2, The length of a copied document does not matter, nor does the amount you may have copied: even a copying a small portion of a document may cause you to be liable for copyright infringement.

3, A copyright notice (©) is not required for a work to be protected by copyright law.

4, Distributing copyrighted content without the copyright owner's permission is copyright infringement even if you give the document away for free.

5, You can be liable for copyright infringement even if you give attribution to the owner or author of the copyrighted content.

6, Even if you used your creativity to make a new document that contained another person's copyrighted work, you may be liable for copyright infringement.

7 There are no exceptions

As a general rule crown copyright lasts 50 years from the end of year of publication. For unpublished crown copyright its 125 years but as these are not in the public domain their issue will never raise it's head. For commercial and private works it is 70 years after the death of the author, or if the author is not known or traceable 70 years from end of year of publication.

A, If in doubt ASK !!!

B, Even thought all files are individually checked, BOCN, its moderators or service provider will not be held liable for any copyright infringements. All infringements will be held solely with document uploader.

C If in doubt ASK !!!

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