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20 X 138/B Solothurn hard core projectile.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Just a few pictures of something I picked up a couple of years ago off e bay before they got all silly with such things.

The projectile was shoved in a lighter that didn't work so got salvaged and put in a decent case........all for very little money!:tinysmile_shy_t:



  • 20 X 138 Solothurn hard core complete round.JPG
    20 X 138 Solothurn hard core complete round.JPG
    42.5 KB · Views: 64
  • 20 X 138 Solothurn hard core projectile base.JPG
    20 X 138 Solothurn hard core projectile base.JPG
    42.3 KB · Views: 48
  • 20 X 138 Solothurn hard core projectile.JPG
    20 X 138 Solothurn hard core projectile.JPG
    38.2 KB · Views: 64
Hi Dave,
Very nice only missing it's tracer unit, i have been after one of these for ages. Thanks for showing it,
Best Weasel.