A while ago I came across a really strange case with design numbers around the base and the neck cut off. I then realised that it was a Red Queen that some mad person had ruined. At the time I didn't have a complete round so decided to repair it by fitting a new neck to it.
This was done by putting a section of a damaged German 37mm case onto the Red Queen case (the bit I cut out of the German case was half way down a tapered case so was in fact 42mm)
All I had was a line drawing to work off but as it worked out the repair proved to be the exact length.
Attached a couple of photos of the case before the repair, the design numbers on the side and the repaired case.
I'm sure you metal working experts out there could have done a much better job but it was close enough for me.
This was done by putting a section of a damaged German 37mm case onto the Red Queen case (the bit I cut out of the German case was half way down a tapered case so was in fact 42mm)
All I had was a line drawing to work off but as it worked out the repair proved to be the exact length.
Attached a couple of photos of the case before the repair, the design numbers on the side and the repaired case.
I'm sure you metal working experts out there could have done a much better job but it was close enough for me.