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50 kg bomb tag


Well-Known Member
Any thoughts on this "Tag"


Not sure that "Bomba" is a german term but stand to be corrected.

I can't good read the marking in the wood. Is it a bomb fallen in England in June 1940 ?

I'm thinking bomba and 36M are Italian, but need to get to some books -
It looks Italian & Italian air force units were stationed in France in 1940 . Presumably they may have bombed Guernsey . Must be a very rare tag .
It looks Italian & Italian air force units were stationed in France in 1940 . Presumably they may have bombed Guernsey . Must be a very rare tag .

There was one or two italian squadron based in Belgium at Chivres. They took part on the "Battle of Britain" but I think they were Ops from september '40.

I can't good read the marking in the wood. Is it a bomb fallen in England in June 1940 ?


Guernsey, June 1940.......if you believe all that is written??
Tag looks ok though, what its from I have no idea - it looks Italian to me too.

regards Kev
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There was one or two italian squadron based in Belgium at Chivres. They took part on the "Battle of Britain" but I think they were Ops from september '40.


Yes , there's a FIAT CR42 in the RAF museum that was shot down during the BoB but I don't know what date this happened . It's possible the date on that plaque is wrong . Someone must know if the Italians ever bombed Guernsey ?
Yes , that's about the date Germany invaded the Channel Islands . In the absence of any evidence of Italian bombers being used , perhaps it's just a random bomb plate someone got hold of & made up a memento of the invasion ?
I think that this type of classification is more applicable to Hungarian ordinances than the Italian ones.

First of all, in Italy "kilograms" isn't shortened with "Kgr.", but with "Kg".

An hypothetical Bomb Model 36 (which does not exist, in any caliber) would be called "Modello 36" or "Mod. 36", not "36 M." which is the abbreviation of the Hungarian "36 Minta" (36 Model).
Italian bombs were seldom classified with the year of adoption, except the largest caliber such as 250, 500 and 800 kg which are all "Mod. 28".

The only word common to the two languages is "bomba" (bomb, singular).

I suspect that this plate refers to a German SC 50 bomb, made on Hungarian order and seized by Luftwaffe.

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The label is Hungarian. From 50kg 36M bomb's transport box.
The 50kg 36M bomb is Hungarian made version of German 50kg SC-50.
It is fuzed with German El.A.Z.C.50 (5) - 36M bomb, or El.A.Z.C.50 (15) - 36/40M bomb or Hungarian 38M - 36/38M bomb.
Maybe somebody know who bought this item?
I tried to deal with the seller without eBay while the auction is running, but he said, he would like sell it on eBay.
After the auctionn was end, I wrote again to the seller, but he said it is sold.


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