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6 pounder HE


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I'm sure there's an old thread with loads of 6 pounders on it but can't find it.

Here's a couple of photos of a 6pr7cwt HE porjectile in the collection, thought it would be of interest as it shows the original paint scheme quite well.

All INERT etc.



  • 6 pounder HE 1.jpg
    6 pounder HE 1.jpg
    95.8 KB · Views: 123
  • 6 pounder HE 2.jpg
    6 pounder HE 2.jpg
    96.2 KB · Views: 82
Hi Dave,
That is in great condition, they seem to be rare enough without paint! What is the fuze fitted to these ? Thanks for showing it, Best regards Weasel.
Thanks guys.
Weasel its a 244 or a 257, can't remember which (its back in the cabinet now and difficult to get to).
When I dig it out next I'll check.
Thanks Lee.
Yes its definitely a 257, see attached pictures.


  • More 14 Nov 09 002.jpg
    More 14 Nov 09 002.jpg
    70.2 KB · Views: 18
  • More 14 Nov 09 003.jpg
    More 14 Nov 09 003.jpg
    78.9 KB · Views: 17
Hi Dave,
Thanks for that, were they fitted to any other round ? i dont think i have seen one before.
Best regards Weasel.
...........................where are all the fuze experts when you need one......
According to the list I have the 244 was used in the "6pr coast, 6pr, 17pr and 77mm" and the 257 was "a 244 without delay and used in the 6pr coast and 20pr TK"
I'm sure someone out there can add to this.