You may have already seen this projectile in the recovered items topic.Its a 75mm base emitting smoke round,according to the info im attatching its American ww2 period and fired by tanks.
Does anyone have any further information on this round,
Could it have been used by the british as it we are finding these on an old british inland range not used since just after WW2.
What tanks was it used with
Was it only used with Tanks as we have not found any other tank ammunition on this range YET this does not mean it isnt on the areas we havnt searched yet.
Would also like to see a complete round or projectile photograph or other documentation if possible,,
and finally can anyone translate the attatched German document on this round
....thanks for looking allan
Does anyone have any further information on this round,
Could it have been used by the british as it we are finding these on an old british inland range not used since just after WW2.
What tanks was it used with
Was it only used with Tanks as we have not found any other tank ammunition on this range YET this does not mean it isnt on the areas we havnt searched yet.
Would also like to see a complete round or projectile photograph or other documentation if possible,,
and finally can anyone translate the attatched German document on this round
....thanks for looking allan