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8,8cm projo, no positive ID, need help!!


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hello together,
I got this projo a couple of weeks ago. It was sandblasted and re-painted grey on the outside. The outer geometrical configurations in identical to the 8,8cm illuminating projectile. The body is stamped with: " F 67 / 9 Navy proof stamp M I/3 (hard to read!) bxe x 41 " on the upper fuze body. In the middle of the body are additional stampings: " Z 2 M 65e Aust 1 3 M 331c ".
This base ejecting projo has the eyelet for the parachute assembly and below a steel container with a big wire coil. i think it is a type of wire- barrage projectile. Can anybody help with this or has another idea??
Mrfuze, USA


  • 8,8cm barrage, 1, GE,.JPG
    8,8cm barrage, 1, GE,.JPG
    80.7 KB · Views: 53
  • 8,8cm barrage, 1a, GE.jpg
    8,8cm barrage, 1a, GE.jpg
    25.1 KB · Views: 84
  • 8,8cm barrage, 1b, GE.jpg
    8,8cm barrage, 1b, GE.jpg
    30.2 KB · Views: 58
I have only one description of a D projectile (as a PDF) . It is however too big to place here. Please send me your E mail adress so I can send you the file.
Regards DJH