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81mm I got today


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Dated for 1971, not my usual, but there isn't much to be found of pretty much anything.
I'm sure it's pretty common and standard, but what do these sell for if I may ask anyone ~


  • P1000968.jpg
    208.5 KB · Views: 55
It's M374 series as sgdbdr stated. Going by the fin unit, which seems to be an M170, it's either an M374 or M374A2.

Different US and other country offical documents give slightly different potential mortar bombs. Some documents say the M374 used both the M149 and M170 fin units, some documents just say the M149. The M374A2 is just stated to use the M170 fin unit.

If there are any markings on the bomb body, fin unit, or the ignition cartridge, that would help ID the munition.
It's marked on the body;
81mm HE M374 A1 BOP 15-13-71
Tail unit;
GYR -4-15-70 M170
Fuze unmarked.
No cartridge
It's marked on the body;
81mm HE M374 A1 BOP 15-13-71
Tail unit;
GYR -4-15-70 M170
Fuze unmarked.
No cartridge
The M374A1 is strange, but unsurprising. It could be a mix and match thing, or that official documentation simply doesn't cover the full picture.

It certainly looked like an M170 fin unit, so at least I got that correct.

Some example screen shots of official data on the M374 family. In date order, with left to right increasing in date. The list of documents below.

TM 9-1300-203 - Artillery Ammunition (C12)(1967)
EB40MT30551 - Tradução Provisória do Artillery Ammunition (TM 9-1300-203) - Munição de Armamento Pesado (1977)
TM 43-0001-28 - Army Ammunition Data Sheets - Guns, Howitzers, Mortars, Rifles, Grenade Launchers & Fuzes (C19)(1983)
AMC-P 700-3-3 - Complete Round Charts - Artillery Ammunition (1985)


  • TM 9-1300-203 - Artillery Ammunition (C12)(1967) - 1.png
    TM 9-1300-203 - Artillery Ammunition (C12)(1967) - 1.png
    296.9 KB · Views: 6
  • EB40MT30551 - Tradução Provisória do Artillery Ammunition (TM 9-1300-203) - Munição de Armamen...png
    EB40MT30551 - Tradução Provisória do Artillery Ammunition (TM 9-1300-203) - Munição de Armamen...png
    736.2 KB · Views: 12
  • TM 43-0001-28 - Army Ammunition Data Sheets - Guns, Howitzers, Mortars, Rifles, Grenade Launch...png
    TM 43-0001-28 - Army Ammunition Data Sheets - Guns, Howitzers, Mortars, Rifles, Grenade Launch...png
    1.4 MB · Views: 11
  • AMC-P 700-3-3 - Complete Round Charts - Artillery Ammunition (1985) - 13-13.1.png
    AMC-P 700-3-3 - Complete Round Charts - Artillery Ammunition (1985) - 13-13.1.png
    961.8 KB · Views: 12