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Canon rounds.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Here's a few photos of the cannon rounds, not sorted out very well but all in there somewhere!!
All INERT/safe/legal etc.


  • 13 September 09 001.jpg
    13 September 09 001.jpg
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  • 13 September 09 015.jpg
    13 September 09 015.jpg
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  • 13 September 09 016.jpg
    13 September 09 016.jpg
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  • 13 September 09 017.jpg
    13 September 09 017.jpg
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Hi Rick, look again, to the right of the Mills is a 35mm rifle grenade case and to the right of that a complete (inert of course) one.
I don't really do grenades although if I had unlimited space I would - the shells take up a bit of room.
Thanks Rick, any chance of a photo of the 120mm apfsds?
I've done a post on the mills. Any ideas?

Very nice collection of very hard-to-find goodies. Did your computer crash and do a core dump of all of your bullet photos today?

Of course we are expecting a nice album on your profile now, with everything labeled in photoshop, just like Gordon's 37mm collection!

Seriously, you have a lot of nice stuff, and I haven't seen some of it in any postings, but I haven't gone back to search through all of your posting to confirm.

It was great that you had the time to unbox the lesser displayed items. I noticed your AAI 25mms. I don't have those loadings, but do have one with a heavy penetrator.

Hello Dave, nice items, can you make a picture from the German projectile that is on the yellow thing, the second on the right please, would be nice to see, regards Ben
Thanks John, hum, Gordon did an absolutely superb job on photoshop, I'm just not up to that - quite a bit of this is in previous postings its just finding it.
Any chance of a pictures of your AAI 25mm please?


Very nice collection of very hard-to-find goodies. Did your computer crash and do a core dump of all of your bullet photos today?

Of course we are expecting a nice album on your profile now, with everything labeled in photoshop, just like Gordon's 37mm collection!

Seriously, you have a lot of nice stuff, and I haven't seen some of it in any postings, but I haven't gone back to search through all of your posting to confirm.

It was great that you had the time to unbox the lesser displayed items. I noticed your AAI 25mms. I don't have those loadings, but do have one with a heavy penetrator.

Here's a shot of my sad and lonley 120. Traded it off a while back. A few months later, got all wantin' it again, and repatriated it. Whew!

On the Mills bomb note, not up on them, and missing one in my collection. In due time, one will be added. I hope.

Very nice, I see why you wanted it back. There's something about those rounds with big sharp bits pointing out of the front of them.
Exptl. rds

Here's a few photos of the cannon rounds, not sorted out very well but all in there somewhere!!
All INERT/safe/legal etc.
Dave, could do with the 42 Red Queen data on side of cases if possible. And can you show all your early long case ADEN rds., not the short case ones as these are mostly known. Thanks mate, Ron.
Red Queen case data.

Ron, data as follows:-

The HES one has the following in stenceling on the case:

REQN D2/G4/801
NH.025 LOT MA3313
? L.B. 2 OZ. 15 DRMS

It is stamped on the case

RLB 1952 D2/L/6152/E REQ D2/56/105 (arrow)

The HES projectile has the following in stenceling:

SWN 4/53

There is no stamping on the projectile.

The flat head proof has the following stenceling on the case:

NH 025 MA 3313
With a long purple stripe down it

It is stamped on the case
D2/56/405 (Arrow)

The flat head projectile has no stenceling but is stamped


17 (on side of projectile)
17 on top of projectile

I'd be interested in hearing what all that means??

Ron, data as follows:-

The HES one has the following in stenceling on the case:

REQN D2/G4/801
NH.025 LOT MA3313
? L.B. 2 OZ. 15 DRMS

It is stamped on the case

RLB 1952 D2/L/6152/E REQ D2/56/105 (arrow)

The HES projectile has the following in stenceling:

SWN 4/53

There is no stamping on the projectile.

The flat head proof has the following stenceling on the case:

NH 025 MA 3313
With a long purple stripe down it

It is stamped on the case
D2/56/405 (Arrow)

The flat head projectile has no stenceling but is stamped


17 (on side of projectile)
17 on top of projectile

I'd be interested in hearing what all that means??

Hi Dave, Am looking at the D2 parent no's, item no and mfg's plus dates. When you get time can you image all your long case ADEN's, 1953-56incl. Cheers, Ron.
Thanks Ron, it'll be interesting to see what you find out.
Will photograph the Adens later in the week.
short Aden

Poltewerke, I'm curious as to what you mean by most of them are known. The usual RG cases and batches etc I can well believe are recorded but I have one with nothing in the groove and RA2/2957 stamped in the body above the band read from the neck end and have always wondered why its marked like that. 2pr
Thanks Ron, it'll be interesting to see what you find out.
Will photograph the Adens later in the week.
Thanks Dave, will see what l can find out but chances are slim. Where did you post pics of the rounds? Regards, Ron.
Ron I'll do a new thread at the end of the week with loads of odd Adens.
Did you have a chance to look at the red queen design information?
Thanks Richard - you'll accumulate them surprisingly fast and before you know it you won't know where to put them.
25mm AAI Round


Here are photos of the AAI round you wanted to see. The tip of the sabots are open, and the penetrator can be seen inside. The round next to it is the same shape, fired case and unfired projo. It has something protruding from the primer hole, that is holding it up. It has no headstamp.



  • AAI 25mm.JPG
    AAI 25mm.JPG
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  • AAI 25mm base.jpg
    AAI 25mm base.jpg
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