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Container for Mills bombs?


Well-Known Member
The Mills bombs i aquired today came in this container. I was told its the official packing tin for later Mills and contained 2. However ime a bit dubious. Any forum expert have an idea?
Its marked on the base No 611. MK 2 ADC. 1965 12S/1121 with 24 in a circle. Also came with sundry bits of circular card card, som with holes in some without, one was marked PC 62/1. It measures 8 1/2 ins by about 3 1/2 ins and painted brown.
Any ideas?




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Eng start cart !

I think it would be far more likely to be for an item such as an engine starter cartridge !

Not really "man" enough for a piece of high explosive kit such as a mills, but I am no expert.
I would hazard a guess that it is RAF stores. 12S/xxxx tells me so but that's just from experience dealing with NSNs and DMCs as an RAOC Supply Controller. I would further guess that it contained the charge for an ejector seat. I have a similar one.

It has ZH665 on the lid, you cant read it on the pic.


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I would hazard a guess that it is RAF stores. 12S/xxxx tells me so but that's just from experience dealing with NSNs and DMCs as an RAOC Supply Controller. I would further guess that it contained the charge for an ejector seat. I have a similar one.

It has ZH665 on the lid, you cant read it on the pic.

Thanks for that bud,

i think you are spot on.

Many thanks,

Containers For No 36

Thanks for that bud,

i think you are spot on.

Many thanks,



I saw these at Jeremy's place, complete with box. I'm fairly sure that they were just a convenient container adopted somewhere on their way to him.

I saw these at Jeremy's place, complete with box. I'm fairly sure that they were just a convenient container adopted somewhere on their way to him.
Hi Norman,

tell me, when were Mills boxes discontinued in favour of the cardboard tubes or did both run side by side? I have in my posession a bombers hook that was allegedly taken from a late 60s box of Mills grens. Were said 1972 grens ever stored in propper Mills boxes?

Hi Norman,

tell me, when were Mills boxes discontinued in favour of the cardboard tubes or did both run side by side? I have in my posession a bombers hook that was allegedly taken from a late 60s box of Mills grens. Were said 1972 grens ever stored in propper Mills boxes?



I'm sorry I don't know. My guess is that all of the 1970/71/72 production emerged in cardboard tubes holding 5 in each. In my early days in the TA (1970s) we still had No 36 Drill in boxes but I never got to throw the real thing so didn't see what packaging the Service grenade came in, although to be honest I doubt we would have got the latest production anyway.

The Practice (and experimental) marking on the photograph might be of interest.


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No 36 Grenade Packing - G70 Box

Hi Norman,

tell me, when were Mills boxes discontinued in favour of the cardboard tubes or did both run side by side? I have in my posession a bombers hook that was allegedly taken from a late 60s box of Mills grens. Were said 1972 grens ever stored in propper Mills boxes?



Seems that the G36 wooden box and G70 steel box with cardboard tubes ran alongside for some time. Cannot be precise but from Lists of Changes:

Box, G36, Mk 1 (24841, C7626) declared obsolescent by D210 28 Feb 1964. Obsolescent basically means no more will be made.

Box, (Steel) G70, Mk 1 is in WOLC C8532 (about Sep 1957) but this is an amending para so it will have been introduced earlier than this. G70 contains 12 grenades in 4 containers No 267 (bitumen bonded paper tubes), 3 grenades and one det cylinder per tube. Known as "Package, Ammunition No 35 Mk 2".

India used a slightly different G70 configuration to the UK but it is the only illustration I have (attached) and is pretty similar to the UK layout but uses different tubes.


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