Greetings to grenade collectors! Ive been collecting Mills bombs for a while now and have been trying to nail down some dates on when they appear and disappear. Rick Landers book shows an april 1915 contract to Mills Munitions for the No5 but there were trials Mills bombs as early as march. Ive got most of the books on grenades and have visited the websites, contacted collectors and followed internet auctions and sales but the 7/15 dated No5 pictured is the earliest date Ive found. Have any of you seen earlier dates? Want to post pictures or scans of them here? How about the latest date on a No.5 Mills? 12/16 is the latest I can say for sure. And on the No23 Mk 1 base plugs, ever seen one earlier than 6? I think Ive seen a 5 but cant say for sure. What is the latest 23 Mk1 youve seen? 5s and 23s are all Ive specialized in but Id be interested to hear if anyone has got earliest and latest dates on the 23 II, 23 III and 36. Happy collecting!