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Hi Harry,
I was reading Fuzemans excellent write up tonight and he mentions that the 56 has little known information?
Is this because it is a rare/experimental fuze?
Hi Harry
The type (56) fuze according to Erhard Koch is designed for the 1,000Kg Bombenmine Bm1000jii but im not sure if this is correct
The fuze has 2 circuits his is painted bright red on the top and a band of Red around the fuze body, his shows the two charging pins have been drilled.the one i have handled was painted standard lluftwaffe grey RAL2006 overall, and the pins were not drilled .
the fuze head markings are ElAZ(56) I/06 bmv and batch 22
There is nothing in the German archives on this bomb fuze
one example was bought by a British collector the other example is with an American EOD man
Hi thats interesting as the last (56) fuze i was offered was in exactly the same condition , it was too bad for me so i rejected it , it was bought by Dave Sampson about 4 years ago .
I have a clock winding key marked (56) this is what started my interest in that fuze , but the key is the same as the (17)clockwork long delay .
Ive just looked at the pictures of the one i was offered and its the same batch number and the corrosion is in the same place
I'm not on, but I think I have found these pictures on the net, but where?
Perhaps yours fuzeman.
If so sorry.
But I collected a lot of photos to EOD course.
Hi Tarbellin
I can confirm they are my pictures taken at Beltring war a peace show on the stand of Harold Grimm , in 2002. Im pleased that they have been around, and that i hope they were of some use on the EOD course .
Funny how things happen but I was checking through some bits and pieces and found a fuze with no number but with a plastic/bakelite addition where the gaine should be - this was threaded to take the gaine and had 3 contacts. Some research led me to believe this to be an early El. A Z 56, other markings were a factory code of A.A. and 1940. Overall grey/black body with yellow top, two plungers neither drilled and of Type II construction. Really interested in any other info on this fuze....Cheers and a happy New Year to all if somewhat belated!
Hi Immmuniser can you take a picture of it please, yellow top denotes not for low level dropping , a picture would confirm if it was indeed a (56) fuze
All the (56) i have handled or seen have all been clearly marked (56)
Looking forward to the pictures you have. I have an early 25 that is AA factory code marked.I cannot find the actual factory though in my list i have??
Anyone else know the maker?
If the Waffenampt stamp is 56 then AA will almost certinly be Rheinmetall either Borsig or Sommerda plant.Rheinmettall were the company producing in the early part of the war.
If all goes well this post should include a couple of poor quality photos from my camera, sorry best I can do and 2 x-rays of the fuze, one with the locating stud pointing to the right the other with the stud facing forward. They have been drastically resized for the forum, so apologies for quality. :tinysmile_hmm_t:
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