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Hi paul
The clocks did carry makers marks but were in Red ink so most would have been rubbed off , the rubber band was put around the original (17) as a means of water proofing them it also probably allthough no proof that it quietened the clocks too.the band was also put around the Emergency pattern fuzes allthough i have several with the band im a little sceptical about it being on there?
Good question that Daz,
I would have thought it depends where the clocks are from?
Private collection therefore looked after or ground dug and prolly seized?
As for the time length,im sure they made them to tick up to 72-80 hours?,i really should know this one!:tinysmile_twink_t:
Hi Waff
I think the clocks were manufactured by a company called
(Jurgensen of copenhagen).
They made pocket watches and clocks and still do i believe.
I am a collectors of time peices and mechanical music and have restored watches that havnt run for years.
If a seventeen fuse has been kept out of the damp then chances are
that with a good overhall the oil that would have turned into solid varnish by now can be dissolved with spirit.
The germans were past masters at all things mechanical so it would have been over engineered for definate and would be interesting to hear one tick.
The clocks were often trophies of the officer who defuzed them , , then the clocks could be working ones , i have several that do still wind up and each has its own sound, the clocks ran for 72 hours , but due to slow running , it was more usually 80 hours , it was decided by the war office that no bomb with a type (17) fuze would be worked on for 80 hours this was further extended to 96 hours
Hi Daz
Funny you should say that as i had a 17 clock ticking in my ear the other night courtasy of fuzeman,and they are the same principle as a pocket watch.
I have a london made pair case watch made in 1703 which has that
menacing tick to it,so those BD men must of had nightmares forever
if they heard those things running.
the first bombs that had (17) clocks were hard to hear as at that time the Electronic Stethoscope had,nt been issued , hearing the clocks using just the metal probe , held against the fuze was,nt very good so often doctors stethoscopes were requesitioned for that purpose , about 1941 the first electonic steths were produced.
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