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German 3 fin Granatenwerfer projectile

Hi all, I have a WWI German granatenwerfer projectile on the way that is a relic with the fins rusted away. As I have a 4 fin projectile I want to restore this one to a 3 fin unit. Could someone please provide close ups of tail section of 3 fin Granatenwerfer projectile that I can reference from. It would be greatly appreciated...Dano
3 fin

Here's some photos of mine. I hope they help.



  • SSCN2571.JPG
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  • SSCN2570.JPG
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III fin granatenwerfer

Yes John, Helps tremendously. Thanks so much as I will use them for reference..Dano
Here's another photo with some scale.



  • SSCN2574.JPG
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3 fin Granatenwerfer

Well, the relic Granatenwerfer projectile arrived with fins rusted away. I did this one in 3 fin as I already had 4 fin, and kind of threw it together to keep in the relic catagory


  • Picture 260.jpg
    Picture 260.jpg
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Hi Tony, Nope same length it is just the cam angle and hanging difference. I'm out of olive drab paint at the moment so i'm not done. I may also re mount it so it could be well hung. Thanks for the deal Tony, that peckerwood seemed like you sent it in the 70's as it took a while to get here! All BS aside a heartfelt thankyou is what i'm thinking as this one along with the 1915 igniters you sent are a treasured addition to my colection, Will mail off your next package on 8th or 9th of November,by the way where were they found????..Dano