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German grenades of The Great War

Hello everybody, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thankyou to all who contributed pictures/information on their rarer German WW1 grenades. The book is getting close to completion. all of the main text is outlined and have been in picture collection phase for some time now. Now i'm close to ending that phase. So if anyone still would like to contribute pictures of your rarer German WW1 hand, rifle, Granatenwerfer email me at dano1917@yahoo.com. I'm even after common ones that may have a slight difference making them unique etc... Thanks again to all..Dano (Dan Kelly)
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Percussion stick spoon

Hi Lex, thanks as I really appreciate the offer. Could use a close up shot of the WW1 german percussion stick grenade with spoon, that's one I could make out that I need a good photo, Dano
German WW1 grenade book

Hi Dano, Good luck with the book, do you want to use any of the information or pics that I have my German Grenade Book of WW1 that I produce and sell. Hope that you are well, great to see you on the BOCN. Cheers,Lewis aka Murdosbunker
WW1 German Grenade book

Yes Lewis, Would greatly appreciate that if it is okay with you, there is much in there I could use. How you been anyway? cheers..Dano
overwhelming response

It has been crazy. Man, there has been an on-slaught of emails with pics of members collections. I will use at least one from each collection (some more) as i've been emailed some really "hot" stuff. I guess i'd better get off my ass and finish this f__king book!! Dano
P.S. I've decided to make it free for all to view, maybe something along the lines of how "slickrick" put his ordnance manuals out there for viewing? Any ideas along this line of thinking?
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Not sure if copies of German grenades qualify for your book but herewith a design drawn up at Woolwich Arsenal taking advantage of German M1913 safety arrangements.


It has been crazy. Man, there has been an on-slaught on emails with pics of members collections. I will use at least one from each collection (some more) as i've been emailed some really "hot" stuff. I guess i'd better get off my ass and finish this f__king book!! Dano
P.S. I've decided to make it free for all to view, maybe something along the lines of how "slickrick" put his ordnance manuals out there for viewing? Any ideas along this line of thinking?


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Hey Rick, Will the mediafire do color pictures? If so may try to trouble you for a quick "tutorial" on usage of said mediafire! I'm pretty much lost when it comes to the technical aspects of this glorified typewriter...Dano

To continue blowing sunshine up everybody, it was Spotter that instructed me in the delights of Mediafire.

My take on this is that the info is more useful when its available to us all electronically rather than sitting on somebody's shelf and never looked at. Scanning can be a pain tho'. I appreciate people like to be possessive about data - a feeling that recedes with age :tinysmile_shy_t:

The "idea" of posting on MEDIAFIRE came from Bonnex. Credit where it's due. I didn't start the fire. And I only did one.

You're asking the wrong guy about details. I don't want to put this off onto Bonnex, but it was all I could do to get it in the system, let alone get it to where others could pull it up. Onto you Bonnex :vroam:



I would suggest making a PDF of your document and shipping that up to Mediafire, maybe a chapter at a time if the file size looks big; Mediafire is comfortable with huge files but downloads of files over say, 5MBytes can be tedious. Practice with a few small files. When you are ready give a buzz and I steer you through it if I can.


Awesome Norman, I'm not too close yet, but i'm thinking by winter! I'm a bit slow, as a writer i'm not, more like an information gatherer and possibly organizer? Dano
Murdosbunker grenade book

Hi Dano, Good to hear from you..yes, you can use sections from my book. Hope this helps. All the best for now, Lewis

Hi Justin, It pretty well stalled at least for now. Dealing with some cumbersome family issues and I stink at writing, but it will come...Dano
Kugal grenade ?

Hello Dano, and all,
I'm posting a picture of a Kugal grenade and hope you could give me some information about it? (The pannier is a repro from 'Dugup'). Can you tell me how the striker works. I realise the principle that when the pannier strap is released the chained striker is pulled away igniting the delay, / fuse, but I can't remove the striker cover to look inside. I'm not sure if the fuze, det set is correct for the grenade, the det end has been cut off at some time? On the picture of the fuze I have arrowed what looks like a centre punch mark. Could this be there to hold the striker top in place for display purposes or is it part of the original device?
Any help gratefully received.
Best regards,


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