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German hat WW2 or later?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

bought this on feebay the other day, didnt cost me much, miss sold i think but what do the forum experts think?
I reccon its a Police hat, from the colour of the hat and the piping and i reccon its post war.
I bought it as i have a half length leather Police coat, post war, that it would go well with. I am afraid i am a self confessed 'hat' man, just dont like getting wet in the rain and these hands free umbrellas do just the job. Any comments welcome,



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I reccon you are right bud,

just googled it and it seems its postwar which will fit nicely with my leather jacket.

Many thanks,

Just caught up with this thread.I too bought a very,very old cap like this when i first started collecting.
Similar colour and pattern and deffo post war.
As long as it was the right money Andy,its happy days! :)

Cant complain at 3 quid Waff, mind you, i do prefer my Afghan muhjadaheen hat, should keep me warm this winter.

Cant complain at 3 quid Waff, mind you, i do prefer my Afghan muhjadaheen hat, should keep me warm this winter.


Dont grow a bloody beard as well pal or we shall be worying about you! lol ;)

3 squids ok for that cap matey.


post war cap

They used to sell these at a military surplus in a town nearby for around 8.00. Deffo military issue (post war) Andy and displays nice on the head. They also have some recent issue (60's and later ammo cans that are really big. I think i'll get a couple and mount them in my truck for tool boxes). Nice hat..Dano