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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Had some good deals from gothica7 a first class seller if you need any grenades or parts his the man to go to.:bigsmile:
Andysarmoury (andy)
Very nice of you to say so bud. I will always try to help anyone wanting Mills bits.


Just did a bit of a deal with gothica7. Super guy to deal with. everything was absolutely first class.
a real credit to the BOCN membership.
Thanks for your kind comments Andy, it was a pleasure to deal with you.
Best wishes,

Cheers Dano,

glad it arrived so quickly, late replying, only just got back from a shark fishing trip, successfull as well.

Gothica7... Thanks Mate!

I just wanted to thank Gothica7 for a great find! An original WW1 Bombers Hook for the Mills Bomb. It's a bit of original kit that I thought I would never find. Andy I can't thank you enough.

Another great deal from Andy (gothica7). He is a very trusting individual, quick shipper and honest as they come. Recommend him to all..Dano