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Granatenwerfer 16 Manual 1916


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Found a clear photocopy from about 30 years ago when I had one.
so here it is~

will take few posts


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And Finally ~


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Well !!! What can I say,Gordon ??? You've definitely hit the high note yet again!!! I've decided that I don't want one any longer,a matching pair would be much better.I fear that the perennial shortage of funds here at
Chez Thurston will undoubtably mean that my small collection of numbered
daggers from SA Gruppe Nordmark will be looking for new owners shortly.
I'm really hoping to find one (or two!!) a bit closer to home,Gordon.It would
be interesting,nonetheless,to find out what they're going for in your neck of the woods.
15 and 16 granatenwerfer

I feel I would be a bit remiss if I didn't include this drawing of models 1915 and 1916 granatenwerfers...Dano


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a couple of images

It says I must add a message to post this of at least ten characters.


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Great images,chaps,this just keeps getting better and better!!!
Bomb number one in my collection is probably in amongst a huge pile of
parcels somewhere between here and Edinburgh.I will be fired up with even
more enthusiasm upon it's eventual arrival,I see there are numerous variations in the bombs themselves,so there's a few to be found.

Regarding the"werfer"itself,as with all things collectable of any value,it's
most desirable to find anything you want,before it winds up in the hands of
most of the mainstream dealers.
HE fill

Does anyone have any information on the HE fill of the grenade?

Thanks for any answers you might have.
Hi shippo.

For the wurfgranate model 16, I found 350grs, filling with Wesphalit
Pascal and Yodamaster, many thanks. Your answers gave me what I was looking for and allowed me to gather some other info I needed.

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Okay WW1 German collectors. Who has heard of a German WW1 Maschinegranatwerfer? This is a 40mm projectile fired from a automatic mortar. I can't include a picture of the projectile for fear of copyright infringment. This is a projo I am trying to buy and waiting for a word back from the seller. Anyone heard of this one? It is a new one on me, dealer is reputable beyond reproach so I hope to hear back from him and get it.....Dano
Hello Dano.

Difficult to answer without more precisions. Perharps the GranatenSchnellWerfer ? It's a 40mm fast grenade launcher, for 6 grenades.


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