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Granatenwerfer Model 1916.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hello All,
I am hoping to add a Granatenwerfer bomb to my collection shortly,and although it's probably yet another thing to add to the list of things that I'll get after I've won the National Lottery,I'm thinking how nice it would be to display this bomb on it's original launcher.

I've been searching the net to find if any such devices have been sold anywhere in recent years,and how much they went for.The only one I've found so far belonged to a dealer in Manitoba,excellent images of this,from various angles can be seen on www.adrax.com/watsons/gmortar.htm

Do any of you chaps have one? They are,of course,of very solid construction,and I would imagine that the diggers in France and Belgium
find them from time to time,and they might well still be in quite reasonable
condition.Wishful thinking on my part,perhaps,any thoughts,anyone????
Regards Chris.
Hello Chris. One of my favorite pieces of ordnance. I've drooled over Ron Watson's, many times. Maybe one day. I figure if I find one, it'll be in a junk shop, tagged as a truck jack. As prolific as they were, they should be available in Europe? I think Ron, wanted $4,000.00 for his. Said he found it not far from his home, at an antiques shop. They had the driveway lined with them!
$4000.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is Madness--- is every one losing their minds ~ :tinysmile_cry_t2:

I pity the fool that pays it
Well,there's a driveway somewhere in Canada I'd certainly like to visit!!!
Although,right enough,they should be more readily available in Europe,there
are quite a few in museums here in the UK,I believe,although I've yet to
actually see one.
If you see another one for $1000 US Dano,please get them to reserve their
next one for me.
I'm with Gordon regarding the prices being asked for lots of this stuff,these
guys have got to be living in some sort of alternate universe.Just lately I've seen what was known as the FP Liberator pistol offered at the
"bargain"price of 5750,who's kidding who here???
I'd go for the relic version mate,i have seen them pop up now and again and you could end up with a fine piece in the end.

you could ask bocn members for the dimentions to help you in the restoration section....

Thats what i would do, especially as I'm not rich either.

why dont you contact the chaps at
to keep a look out for you?


p.s the relic below is for 15 notes!! just need to fabricate the other parts or find them!


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I'm thinking that the 15 quid does not apply to both items!!!!
Seriously though,the relic route has got to be favourite,the bomb casing
has survived remarkably well,and a "werfer" being a pretty solid piece of kit
might well manage a few decades underground and emerge easily restorable.
It has crossed my mind,however,at what stage the Home Office might take an interest in any such device.A mud incrusted relic is one thing,but any
serious restoration might be entering Section 5 prohibition territory.
Well,there's a driveway somewhere in Canada I'd certainly like to visit!!!
Although,right enough,they should be more readily available in Europe,there
are quite a few in museums here in the UK,I believe,although I've yet to
actually see one.
If you see another one for $1000 US Dano,please get them to reserve their
next one for me.
I'm with Gordon regarding the prices being asked for lots of this stuff,these
guys have got to be living in some sort of alternate universe.Just lately I've seen what was known as the FP Liberator pistol offered at the
"bargain"price of 5750,who's kidding who here???
Be warned, "Liberator" pistols, are being reproduced! They sell for around $600.00 USD.
M16 Granatwerfer

Last year i was behind one which i saw in the US ebay he finaly went for aprox 1000 USD i was ready to buy but the seller was not ready to send it to germany :tinysmile_cry_t4:

wbr David
i think the original question was about if anyone can get one......

lets try and help out this guy to get one

has anybody got the correct dimentions for one?

maybe a relic could be purchased and the fins made from sheet metal?

i would be interested for measurements.....i see a a plan coming together.....:tinysmile_shy_t:
ok all right !!

i have found a realy nice M16 Mortar round in Egun in realy good conditions it is worth to bid on it !
I will try to find the link and post it here !!

wbr David
Sorry chaps,but we've got a crossed wire here somewhere,it's the launcher
itself that I'm lusting after.I don't really expect to be getting one anytime
soon,just investigating the possibilities.
The postman brought me bomb number one yesterday,very nice one too.
ok good to now !!

good to know what you are searching for ! :tinysmile_fatgrin_t i was also not sure the launcher or the round for it !

wbr David
Exactly Chris, I noticed 2 threads did come up, but it's great because the weapon itself as well as the projectile are both very worthy. Hope you find your Granatenwerfer LAUNCHER as I would give my right nut for one..Best. Dano
Hello All,
I am hoping to add a Granatenwerfer bomb to my collection shortly,and although it's probably yet another thing to add to the list of things that I'll get after I've won the National Lottery,I'm thinking how nice it would be to display this bomb on it's original launcher.

I've been searching the net to find if any such devices have been sold anywhere in recent years,and how much they went for.The only one I've found so far belonged to a dealer in Manitoba,excellent images of this,from various angles can be seen on www.adrax.com/watsons/gmortar.htm

Do any of you chaps have one? They are,of course,of very solid construction,and I would imagine that the diggers in France and Belgium
find them from time to time,and they might well still be in quite reasonable
condition.Wishful thinking on my part,perhaps,any thoughts,anyone????
Regards Chris.

maybe if your post was clear in the first place there would be no confusion.

you made no mention of the launcher in your first post!!

ha ha never mind,I'm sure your taking the micky!! ha ha

so are you thinking of renovating a relic or building your own?