A well worked 7.7 HL 1917 case. The look is I'm sure caused by
very old varnish or laquare - I'll leave that be. With a Name and a unit
I was able to identify the individual, being the only person by that name in
the 75th. The work on this case is far superior to the usual. Likely 1919
or the Big 1936 unvieling of the Vimy Memorial I expect.
The other a Bofors case is a bit modern for me, but this is the
first post war casing marked like this I have seen, usually Canadian
made examples. Likely close to when we stopped using them.
Presumably U Bty had Bofors ~
[FONT="]In 1976, 1 RCHA and 2 RCHA each received a troop of Blowpipe air defence missiles. 3 RCHA and 5 RALC each added a Blowpipe missile equipped battery to their establishments, U and V Battery respectively. These are the only air defence batteries in RCHA history.[/FONT]
very old varnish or laquare - I'll leave that be. With a Name and a unit
I was able to identify the individual, being the only person by that name in
the 75th. The work on this case is far superior to the usual. Likely 1919
or the Big 1936 unvieling of the Vimy Memorial I expect.
The other a Bofors case is a bit modern for me, but this is the
first post war casing marked like this I have seen, usually Canadian
made examples. Likely close to when we stopped using them.
Presumably U Bty had Bofors ~
[FONT="]In 1976, 1 RCHA and 2 RCHA each received a troop of Blowpipe air defence missiles. 3 RCHA and 5 RALC each added a Blowpipe missile equipped battery to their establishments, U and V Battery respectively. These are the only air defence batteries in RCHA history.[/FONT]