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ID this component - probably not ordnance


Well-Known Member
Ordnance approved
This item was recovered during a EOD clearance operation. There is a lot of speculation on what it might be, ranging from an ammunition component, helicopter engine component, antenna piece, etc.

I do not believe that it is actually from an ammunition item, but stranger things have happened. Does anyone have any idea what this might?



  • component.jpg
    49.1 KB · Views: 74
It looks like a type of grappling hook or something fired through a mine field and pulled back to set off any trip wires Or just a grappling hook.
Wow!! How on earth did it get there then?
Surely somebody noticed it `missing` off the aircraft?

Wow!! How on earth did it get there then?
Surely somebody noticed it `missing` off the aircraft?

From the post I saw about this it was found near a cluster bomb strike in Kosovo. Must have been right on target.
Wow, thanks for the help. I was not aware this was posted on another forum, but I know the photo has been passed around a lot between EOD personnel and ammo techs.

Thanks for the help, it certainly looks like the ILS antenna from a MiG 23.
