I recently purchased a trench-art shell I believed to be an Austro-Hungarian 7cm SFK L/45 shell (66 x 495mm). It's not, since it is bottle-necked, whereas the 7cm is conical. Please see below pictures. My casing was originally brass and is now nickel plated. It measures 66mm inside diameter and 70mm outside at the case mouth. Neck length is approximately 66mm. Shoulder diameter is approximately 76mm. Base diameter is approximately 77mm. It is 490mm long, and the rim is 82mm diameter. Unfortunately, there are no markings left on the head, as the case appears to have been machined. In the art, there is the word Verser. The brass can be seen through the machining in a couple places. The seller said they thought it was 66mm Japanese, but I couldn't find any information on such a caliber. The seller as well as a couple other people thought the art on the shell was done in the Philippines. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.