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Staff member
Premium Member
I'd like to bring to everyone's attention what will be the replacement for the current BOCN Forum.

The BOCN team have been busy at work implementing alternative forum software. Although the current software serves its purpose, it simply is not very efficient and has numerous drawbacks to many of the alternative forums out there, multiple images in posts etc. Although I have implemented many work arounds to try and make it as usable as possible, everytime a new release of the software is made available, I have to begin the process of changing the code everytime to get it to work as you'd expect it to work and not how it comes as default.

Our initial plan is to switch forums on Saturday 10th May, meaning the board will be offline while I make the switch. Its not so straightforward as I have to import and process several databases including user information, posts/threads/forums, check everything is showing as it should be etc.

For testing purposes I urge as many of you as possible during this next week to please visit the test version of the new forum I have made available at http://www.bocn.co.uk/vbforum and experiment. You will see there are many many new features. An initial problem is that you will not be able to login as your passwords are currently held in a secure means, meaning we cannot access them to bring them into the new system, So anyone who wants to login please PM me and I will give you a new password for the new site, otherwise you will only have GUEST priviledges. When the time comes to make the switch I will send all users an email containing a link that allows you to reset your password. A new password will then be emailed to you which you can use to login and update your profile.

We would appreciate any feedback you have regarding the new forum so we can continue to make BOCN the best ordnance related forum there is.

Kind Regards

The BOCN Team.
The new site looks superb.B)

Thank you bolo and spott for your efforts.
I shall wait until the changeover and then i will dive in.

Hi guys The new site looks superrrrrrrrrrrr :woohoo:

it must have bin alot of work thanks Guys and Girls.

Cheers Mad B)
Just like to add ,all praise for the work on the new site must go to Bolo ,,hes the one whos been doing it in his spare time,which i know hasnt been much for the last few months,,Good efforts Bro Thanks
A great improvement. The black back ground and white lettering on this present site is glary on the eyes and takes some getting use to. The new site has that professional touch and the grey back ground is much better. Looking forward to the new site.
BMG50 wrote:
A great improvement. The black back ground and white lettering on this present site is glary on the eyes and takes some getting use to. The new site has that professional touch and the grey back ground is much better. Looking forward to the new site.

Firstly thanks for the positive comments guys, appreciated. Secondly on the new site if you look at the bottom of the page to the left there is a template selector so you can switch from the dark style to a more traditional light style. One mans bread is another mans butter... or something like that ? I decided it was about time I offered a contrasting style , even though I've had many positive comments on the dark style we currently have, I know some people do find black on white easier on the eye.
Had a good look this morning and was impressed with the new style !
Very nice job indeed :woohoo:

I look forward to putting it to full use.
Well done Bolo, looks great and very user friendly. The calender will be a handy tool.
Look forward to it going live

I for one have always found the black easier on the eyes,the grey will be just as good.

REMINDER ,the current BOCN site will be off line Tomorrow morning while BOLO finalises the transfer to the new server
Ref the new passwords,i believe the new site issues you with a numerical password,just use this to sign in with first time ,then i think you go into your control panel to change your password to whatever you want it to be...ill get bolo to confirm this
Look forward to seeing you all there.......spotter
Im working tomorrow to earn some swag for Beltring.I look forward to the big switchover.B)


spotter wrote:
REMINDER ,the current BOCN site will be off line Tomorrow morning while BOLO finalises the transfer to the new server
Ref the new passwords,i believe the new site issues you with a numerical password,just use this to sign in with first time ,then i think you go into your control panel to change your password to whatever you want it to be...ill get bolo to confirm this
Look forward to seeing you all there.......spotter

Yes as spotter says we switch over tomorrow morning if all goes well.

Access the site as usual at www.bocn.co.uk - your current password will NOT work so you will have to follow the "Forgotten Your Password" link to reset your password. A randomly generated password will be emailed to which you can use to login into the site. After which head to your control panel shown as "User CP" on the menu and update your profile. There will be more options available to add to your profile, such as MSN/Skype/AOL ID', also you can now have a seperate photo on your profile to your avatar pictures. You can even define your own photo albums to share with the rest of us.

I hope it all goes smoothly, please email me if there are any issues bolo@dbws.net

I'll be trying to make switch early morning and then keep checking back throughout the day.
The site looks excellent, well done. I would hate to think how many hours have gone into a site move/swop over. wierd thing are servers. Well done again.