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latest trench shot

Well, fellow collectors, it has been a while since i've posted an updated picture of inside my mock WW1 trench that I built in my cellar to aid in my display. A few more nice pieces on the way (ordered 5 weeks ago from England so I figure 1 -2 more weeks and stuff should arrive). While on that subjece, I can order something from Spain and it arrivers in a week, same with Latvia. I guess the postal strike don't help in England arrivals to take so much time. I am a patient man, but something eventually hs to give... My 2 cents worth...Dano


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The postal service is the same as everything else in Britain-CRAP. The country has gone downhill fast in the last few years.
Angry Richard
slow boat across the proverbial pond

One thing I will add Richard. Although it takes forever for a package to get from England to the US, every package arrived eventually. I did not know that surface mail meant by CANOE. P.S. My avatar picture, the m1917 German egg grenade with the rare m1916 percussion igniter is hands down the favorite piece in my collection. Was tickled s__tless to get it...Dano
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Hi Dano,
I just received a package from the states in 7 days so it is quicker coming from your end.
more trench shots

Another snap-shot in trench from a more rearward distance. Always looking for for more WW1 German stuff to fill er up. Second picture was taken about a year ago before I sold alot of the collection off. OUCH........Dano


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OUCH, is right! I hate it when that happens. But, it's good to have things to sell, when you get in a bind. You can always justify it, by saying that your downsizing, or "specializing". Yeah right. Then again, if we didn't buy this crap, we might not have gotten into a bind.:tinysmile_tongue_t:
Bye Bye

Righto you are trench warfare, i've used the specializing or downsizing excuse more than once but when you need cash, you need cash. think i'm finally situated where all will be staying from this point forward and will add a piece or two a month. Last year I sold off some major stuff basicly because I needed major cash in a hurry. Having had something at one time I figure is better than never having had it at all. Well gotta go get my stress ball!!! Cheers..Dano
Hi Dan.
Ive noticed something your trench is missing and desperately needs.
Get out to your yard and get digging.:tinysmile_fatgrin_t
Cheers, Paul.