Stupid people
One of the worst moments of my life happened one Saturday morning. A collector who I had known for some time, rings me up and asks me if I would like to buy a couple of fired practice 106 recoilless rifle rounds. Ok I said but can I look at them, yeah no worries. He was in front of my house within about 30 minutes and had unloaded these two rounds. I had a look and asked him if practice rounds should be painted blue, no these are OK. HHMMM
I asked him to let me keep them and think about it. Now this twat had been to the range about 120 kilometers from my house, he had carried these two round all the way back in the boot of his car.
I then placed a call to a Major I knew in Ordnance, and asked him to pop over for a quick look. When he arrived, his face went a funny shade of green, and he took a 20 foot step backwards. I had sent my wife and kids to Mums place to get them out of the way. Before I know it, the whole bomb disposal unit turns up, and after a bit they took them away, and destroyed them. Guess what they went bang with an extremely loud kaboom. Now I had a friend in Vietnam and he saw two ordnance guys get blown away by a 106, the shadow of one of them crossed over the round and set the fuze off. They are nasty little buggers. Yes I did direct the Police and Army toward this guy, I can't stand F&+kwits who endanger my life.
See ya